2 * Copyright (C) 2011 by Peter Penz <peter.penz19@gmail.com> *
3 * *
4 * Based on the Itemviews NG project from Trolltech Labs: *
5 * http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/itemviews-ng *
6 * *
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
10 * (at your option) any later version. *
11 * *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15 * GNU General Public License for more details. *
16 * *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
18 * along with this program; if not, write to the *
19 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
20 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *
21 ***************************************************************************/
26#include <libdolphin_export.h>
28#include <kitemviews/kitemrange.h>
29#include <kitemviews/kitemset.h>
31#include <QHash>
32#include <QObject>
33#include <QVariant>
35class QMimeData;
38 * @brief Base class for model implementations used by KItemListView and KItemListController.
39 *
40 * An item-model consists of a variable number of items. The number of items
41 * is given by KItemModelBase::count(). The data of an item is accessed by a unique index
42 * with KItemModelBase::data(). The indexes are integer-values counting from 0 to the
43 * KItemModelBase::count() - 1.
44 *
45 * One item consists of a variable number of role/value-pairs.
46 *
47 * A model can optionally provide sorting- and grouping-capabilities.
48 *
49 * Also optionally it is possible to provide a tree of items by implementing the methods
50 * setExpanded(), isExpanded(), isExpandable() and expandedParentsCount().
51 */
52class LIBDOLPHINPRIVATE_EXPORT KItemModelBase : public QObject
57 KItemModelBase(QObject* parent = 0);
58 explicit KItemModelBase(const QByteArray& sortRole, QObject* parent = 0);
59 virtual ~KItemModelBase();
61 /** @return The number of items. */
62 virtual int count() const = 0;
64 virtual QHash<QByteArray, QVariant> data(int index) const = 0;
66 /**
67 * Sets the data for the item at \a index to the given \a values. Returns true
68 * if the data was set on the item; returns false otherwise.
69 *
70 * The default implementation does not set the data, and will always return
71 * false.
72 */
73 virtual bool setData(int index, const QHash<QByteArray, QVariant>& values);
75 /**
76 * Enables/disables the grouped sorting. The method KItemModelBase::onGroupedSortingChanged() will be
77 * called so that model-implementations can react on the grouped-sorting change. Afterwards the
78 * signal groupedSortingChanged() will be emitted. If the grouped sorting is enabled, the method
79 * KItemModelBase::groups() must be implemented.
80 */
81 void setGroupedSorting(bool grouped);
82 bool groupedSorting() const;
84 /**
85 * Sets the sort-role to \a role. The method KItemModelBase::onSortRoleChanged() will be
86 * called so that model-implementations can react on the sort-role change. Afterwards the
87 * signal sortRoleChanged() will be emitted.
88 */
89 void setSortRole(const QByteArray& role);
90 QByteArray sortRole() const;
92 /**
93 * Sets the sort order to \a order. The method KItemModelBase::onSortOrderChanged() will be
94 * called so that model-implementations can react on the sort order change. Afterwards the
95 * signal sortOrderChanged() will be emitted.
96 */
97 void setSortOrder(Qt::SortOrder order);
98 Qt::SortOrder sortOrder() const;
100 /**
101 * @return Translated description for the \p role. The description is e.g. used
102 * for the header in KItemListView.
103 */
104 virtual QString roleDescription(const QByteArray& role) const;
106 /**
107 * @return List of group headers. Each list-item consists of the index of the item
108 * that represents the first item of a group and a value represented
109 * as QVariant. The value is shown by an instance of KItemListGroupHeader.
110 * Per default an empty list is returned.
111 */
112 virtual QList<QPair<int, QVariant> > groups() const;
114 /**
115 * Expands the item with the index \a index if \a expanded is true.
116 * If \a expanded is false the item will be collapsed.
117 *
118 * Per default no expanding of items is implemented. When implementing
119 * this method it is mandatory to overwrite KItemModelBase::isExpandable()
120 * and KItemListView::supportsExpandableItems() to return true.
121 *
122 * @return True if the operation has been successful.
123 */
124 virtual bool setExpanded(int index, bool expanded);
126 /**
127 * @return True if the item with the index \a index is expanded.
128 * Per default no expanding of items is implemented. When implementing
129 * this method it is mandatory to overwrite KItemModelBase::isExpandable()
130 * and KItemListView::supportsExpandableItems() to return true.
131 */
132 virtual bool isExpanded(int index) const;
134 /**
135 * @return True if expanding and collapsing of the item with the index \a index
136 * is supported. Per default false is returned.
137 */
138 virtual bool isExpandable(int index) const;
140 /**
141 * @return Number of expanded parent items for the item with the given index.
142 * Per default 0 is returned.
143 */
144 virtual int expandedParentsCount(int index) const;
146 /**
147 * @return MIME-data for the items given by \a indexes. The default implementation
148 * returns 0. The ownership of the returned instance is in the hand of the
149 * caller of this method. The method must be implemented if dragging of
150 * items should be possible.
151 */
152 virtual QMimeData* createMimeData(const KItemSet& indexes) const;
154 /**
155 * @return Reimplement this to return the index for the first item
156 * beginning with string typed in through the keyboard, -1 if not found.
157 * @param text the text which has been typed in through the keyboard
158 * @param startFromIndex the index from which to start searching from
159 */
160 virtual int indexForKeyboardSearch(const QString& text, int startFromIndex = 0) const;
162 /**
163 * @return True, if the item with the index \a index basically supports dropping.
164 * Per default false is returned.
165 *
166 * The information is used only to give a visual feedback during a drag operation
167 * and not to decide whether a drop event gets emitted. It is it is still up to
168 * the receiver of KItemListController::itemDropEvent() to decide how to handle
169 * the drop event.
170 */
171 // TODO: Should the MIME-data be passed too so that the model can do a more specific
172 // decision whether it accepts the drop?
173 virtual bool supportsDropping(int index) const;
176 /**
177 * Is emitted if one or more items have been inserted. Each item-range consists
178 * of:
179 * - an index where items have been inserted
180 * - the number of inserted items.
181 * The index of each item-range represents the index of the model
182 * before the items have been inserted.
183 *
184 * For the item-ranges it is assured that:
185 * - They don't overlap
186 * - The index of item-range n is smaller than the index of item-range n + 1.
187 */
188 void itemsInserted(const KItemRangeList& itemRanges);
190 /**
191 * Is emitted if one or more items have been removed. Each item-range consists
192 * of:
193 * - an index where items have been inserted
194 * - the number of inserted items.
195 * The index of each item-range represents the index of the model
196 * before the items have been removed.
197 *
198 * For the item-ranges it is assured that:
199 * - They don't overlap
200 * - The index of item-range n is smaller than the index of item-range n + 1.
201 */
202 void itemsRemoved(const KItemRangeList& itemRanges);
204 /**
205 * Is emitted if one ore more items get moved.
206 * @param itemRange Item-range that gets moved to a new position.
207 * @param movedToIndexes New positions for each element of the item-range.
208 *
209 * For example if the model has 10 items and the items 0 and 1 get exchanged
210 * with the items 5 and 6 then the parameters look like this:
211 * - itemRange: has the index 0 and a count of 7.
212 * - movedToIndexes: Contains the seven values 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1
213 *
214 * This signal implies that the groups might have changed. Therefore,
215 * gropusChanged() is not emitted if this signal is emitted.
216 */
217 void itemsMoved(const KItemRange& itemRange, const QList<int>& movedToIndexes);
219 void itemsChanged(const KItemRangeList& itemRanges, const QSet<QByteArray>& roles);
221 /**
222 * Is emitted if the groups have changed, even though the order of the
223 * items has not been modified.
224 */
225 void groupsChanged();
227 void groupedSortingChanged(bool current);
228 void sortRoleChanged(const QByteArray& current, const QByteArray& previous);
229 void sortOrderChanged(Qt::SortOrder current, Qt::SortOrder previous);
232 /**
233 * Is invoked if the grouped sorting has been changed by KItemModelBase::setGroupedSorting(). Allows
234 * to react on the changed grouped sorting before the signal groupedSortingChanged() will be emitted.
235 */
236 virtual void onGroupedSortingChanged(bool current);
238 /**
239 * Is invoked if the sort role has been changed by KItemModelBase::setSortRole(). Allows
240 * to react on the changed sort role before the signal sortRoleChanged() will be emitted.
241 * The implementation must assure that the items are sorted by the role given by \a current.
242 * Usually the most efficient way is to emit a
243 * itemsRemoved() signal for all items, reorder the items internally and to emit a
244 * itemsInserted() signal afterwards.
245 */
246 virtual void onSortRoleChanged(const QByteArray& current, const QByteArray& previous);
248 /**
249 * Is invoked if the sort order has been changed by KItemModelBase::setSortOrder(). Allows
250 * to react on the changed sort order before the signal sortOrderChanged() will be emitted.
251 * The implementation must assure that the items are sorted by the order given by \a current.
252 * Usually the most efficient way is to emit a
253 * itemsRemoved() signal for all items, reorder the items internally and to emit a
254 * itemsInserted() signal afterwards.
255 */
256 virtual void onSortOrderChanged(Qt::SortOrder current, Qt::SortOrder previous);
259 bool m_groupedSorting;
260 QByteArray m_sortRole;
261 Qt::SortOrder m_sortOrder;
264inline Qt::SortOrder KItemModelBase::sortOrder() const
266 return m_sortOrder;