1/* This file is part of the KDE project
2 Copyright (C) 2001 Thomas Zander zander@kde.org
3 Copyright (C) 2004 - 2010 Dag Andersen <danders@get2net.dk>
4 Copyright (C) 2007 Florian Piquemal <flotueur@yahoo.fr>
5 Copyright (C) 2007 Alexis Ménard <darktears31@gmail.com>
7 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
9 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 Library General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
18 along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
19 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
23#ifndef KPTPROJECT_H
24#define KPTPROJECT_H
26#include "kplatokernel_export.h"
28#include "kptnode.h"
30#include "kptglobal.h"
31#include "kptaccount.h"
32#include "kptcalendar.h"
33#include "kptdatetime.h"
34#include "kptduration.h"
35#include "kptresource.h"
36#include "kptwbsdefinition.h"
37#include "kptconfigbase.h"
39#include <QMap>
40#include <QList>
41#include <QHash>
42#include <QPointer>
44#include <klocale.h>
45#include <ktimezone.h>
48/// The main namespace.
49namespace KPlato
52class Schedule;
53class StandardWorktime;
54class ScheduleManager;
55class XMLLoaderObject;
56class Task;
57class SchedulerPlugin;
58class KPlatoXmlLoaderBase;
61 * Project is the main node in a project, it contains child nodes and
62 * possibly sub-projects. A sub-project is just another instantion of this
63 * node however.
64 *
65 * A note on timezones:
66 * To be able to handle resources working in diffierent timezones and
67 * to facilitate data exchange with other applications like PIMs or
68 * and groupware servers, the project has a timezone that is used for
69 * all datetimes in nodes and schedules.
70 * By default the local timezone is used.
71 *
72 * A resources timezone is defined by the associated calendar.
73 *
74 * Note that a projects datetimes are always displayed/modified in the timezone
75 * it was originally created, not necessarly in your current local timezone.
76 */
77class KPLATOKERNEL_EXPORT Project : public Node
81 explicit Project( Node *parent = 0 );
82 explicit Project( ConfigBase &config, Node *parent = 0 );
83 ~Project();
85 /// Reference this project.
86 void ref() { ++m_refCount; }
87 /// De-reference this project. Deletes project of ref count <= 0
88 void deref();
90 /// Returns the node type. Can be Type_Project or Type_Subproject.
91 virtual int type() const;
93 /**
94 * Calculate the schedules managed by the schedule manager
95 *
96 * @param sm Schedule manager
97 */
98 void calculate( ScheduleManager &sm );
100 /**
101 * Re-calculate the schedules managed by the schedule manager
102 *
103 * @param sm Schedule manager
104 * @param dt The datetime from when the schedule shall be re-calculated
105 */
106 void calculate( ScheduleManager &sm, const DateTime &dt );
108 virtual DateTime startTime( long id = -1 ) const;
109 virtual DateTime endTime( long id = -1 ) const;
111 /// Returns the calculated duration for schedule @p id
112 Duration duration( long id = -1 ) const;
113 using Node::duration;
114 /**
115 * Instead of using the expected duration, generate a random value using
116 * the Distribution of each Task. This can be used for Monte-Carlo
117 * estimation of Project duration.
118 */
119 Duration *getRandomDuration();
121 virtual bool load( KoXmlElement &element, XMLLoaderObject &status );
122 virtual void save( QDomElement &element ) const;
124 using Node::saveWorkPackageXML;
125 /// Save a workpackage document containing @node with schedule identity @p id
126 void saveWorkPackageXML( QDomElement &element, const Node *node, long id ) const;
128 /**
129 * Add the node @p task to the project, after node @p position
130 * If @p postition is zero or the project node, it will be added to this project.
131 */
132 bool addTask( Node* task, Node* position );
133 /**
134 * Add the node @p task to the @p parent
135 */
136 bool addSubTask( Node* task, Node* parent );
137 /**
138 * Add the node @p task to @p parent, in position @p index
139 * If @p parent is zero, it will be added to this project.
140 */
141 bool addSubTask( Node* task, int index, Node* parent, bool emitSignal = true );
142 /**
143 * Remove the @p node.
144 * The node is not deleted.
145 */
146 void takeTask( Node *node, bool emitSignal = true );
147 bool canMoveTask( Node* node, Node *newParent );
148 bool moveTask( Node* node, Node *newParent, int newPos );
149 bool canIndentTask( Node* node );
150 bool indentTask( Node* node, int index = -1 );
151 bool canUnindentTask( Node* node );
152 bool unindentTask( Node* node );
153 bool canMoveTaskUp( Node* node );
154 bool moveTaskUp( Node* node );
155 bool canMoveTaskDown( Node* node );
156 bool moveTaskDown( Node* node );
157 /**
158 * Create a task with a unique id.
159 * The task is not added to the project. Do this with addSubTask().
160 */
161 Task *createTask();
162 /**
163 * Create a copy of @p def with a unique id.
164 * The task is not added to the project. Do this with addSubTask().
165 */
166 Task *createTask( const Task &def );
168 int resourceGroupCount() const { return m_resourceGroups.count(); }
169 QList<ResourceGroup*> &resourceGroups();
170 /// Adds the resource group to the project.
171 virtual void addResourceGroup( ResourceGroup *resource, int index = -1 );
172 /**
173 * Removes the resource group @p resource from the project.
174 * The resource group is not deleted.
175 */
176 ResourceGroup *takeResourceGroup( ResourceGroup *resource );
177 int indexOf( ResourceGroup *resource ) const { return m_resourceGroups.indexOf( resource ); }
178 ResourceGroup *resourceGroupAt( int pos ) const { return m_resourceGroups.value( pos ); }
179 int numResourceGroups() const { return m_resourceGroups.count(); }
181 /// Returns the resourcegroup with identity id.
182 ResourceGroup *group( const QString& id );
183 /// Returns the resource group with the matching name, 0 if no match is found.
184 ResourceGroup *groupByName( const QString& name ) const;
186 /**
187 * Adds the resource to the project and resource group.
188 * Always use this to add resources.
189 */
190 void addResource( ResourceGroup *group, Resource *resource, int index = -1 );
191 /**
192 * Removes the resource from the project and resource group.
193 * The resource is not deleted.
194 * Always use this to remove resources.
195 */
196 Resource *takeResource( ResourceGroup *group, Resource *resource );
197 /// Move @p resource to the new @p group. Requests are removed.
198 void moveResource( ResourceGroup *group, Resource *resource );
199 /// Returns the resource with identity id.
200 Resource *resource( const QString& id );
201 /// Returns the resource with matching name, 0 if no match is found.
202 Resource *resourceByName( const QString& name ) const;
203 QStringList resourceNameList() const;
204 /// Returns a list of all resources
205 QList<Resource*> resourceList() const { return resourceIdDict.values(); }
207 virtual EffortCostMap plannedEffortCostPrDay( const QDate &start, const QDate &end, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
208 virtual EffortCostMap plannedEffortCostPrDay(const Resource *resource, const QDate &start, const QDate &end, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
210 using Node::plannedEffort;
211 /// Returns the total planned effort for this project (or subproject)
212 virtual Duration plannedEffort( long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
213 /// Returns the total planned effort for this project (or subproject) on date
214 virtual Duration plannedEffort( const QDate &date, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
215 using Node::plannedEffortTo;
216 /// Returns the planned effort up to and including date
217 virtual Duration plannedEffortTo( const QDate &date, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
219 /// Returns the actual effort up to and including @p date
220 virtual Duration actualEffortTo( const QDate &date ) const;
221 /**
222 * Planned cost up to and including date
223 * @param date The cost is calculated from the start of the project upto including date.
224 * @param id Identity of the schedule to be used.
225 */
226 virtual double plannedCostTo( const QDate &date, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
228 /**
229 * Actual cost up to and including @p date
230 * @param date The cost is calculated from the start of the project upto including date.
231 */
232 virtual EffortCost actualCostTo( long int id, const QDate &date ) const;
234 virtual EffortCostMap actualEffortCostPrDay( const QDate &start, const QDate &end, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
236 virtual EffortCostMap actualEffortCostPrDay( const Resource *resource, const QDate &start, const QDate &end, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, EffortCostCalculationType = ECCT_All ) const;
238 double effortPerformanceIndex( const QDate &date, long id ) const;
240 double schedulePerformanceIndex( const QDate &date, long id ) const;
242 /// Returns the effort planned to be used to reach the actual percent finished
243 virtual Duration budgetedWorkPerformed( const QDate &date, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE ) const;
244 /// Returns the cost planned to be used to reach the actual percent finished
245 virtual double budgetedCostPerformed( const QDate &date, long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE ) const;
247 /// Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ( up to @p date )
248 virtual double bcws( const QDate &date, long id = BASELINESCHEDULE ) const;
249 /// Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
250 virtual double bcwp( long id = BASELINESCHEDULE ) const;
251 /// Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ( up to @p date )
252 virtual double bcwp( const QDate &date, long id = BASELINESCHEDULE ) const;
254 Calendar *defaultCalendar() const { return m_defaultCalendar; }
255 void setDefaultCalendar( Calendar *cal );
256 const QList<Calendar*> &calendars() const;
257 void addCalendar( Calendar *calendar, Calendar *parent = 0, int index = -1 );
258 void takeCalendar( Calendar *calendar );
259 int indexOf( const Calendar *calendar ) const;
260 /// Returns the calendar with identity id.
261 Calendar *calendar( const QString& id ) const;
262 /// Returns a list of all calendars
263 QStringList calendarNames() const;
264 /// Find calendar by name
265 Calendar *calendarByName( const QString &name ) const;
266 void changed( Calendar *cal );
267 QList<Calendar*> allCalendars() const;
268 /// Return number of calendars
269 int calendarCount() const { return m_calendars.count(); }
270 /// Return the calendar at @p index, 0 if index out of bounds
271 Calendar *calendarAt( int index ) const { return m_calendars.value( index ); }
272 /**
273 * Defines the length of days, weeks, months and years
274 * and the standard working week.
275 * Used for estimation and calculation of effort,
276 * and presentation in gantt chart.
277 */
278 StandardWorktime *standardWorktime() { return m_standardWorktime; }
279 void setStandardWorktime( StandardWorktime * worktime );
280 void changed( StandardWorktime* );
282 /// Check if a link exists between node @p par and @p child.
283 bool linkExists( const Node *par, const Node *child ) const;
284 /// Check if node @p par can be linked to node @p child.
285 bool legalToLink( const Node *par, const Node *child ) const;
286 using Node::legalToLink;
288 virtual const QHash<QString, Node*> &nodeDict() { return nodeIdDict; }
289 /// Return a list of all nodes in the project (exluding myself)
290 QList<Node*> allNodes() const;
291 /// Return the number of all nodes in the project (exluding myself)
292 int nodeCount() const { return nodeIdDict.count() - 1; }
294 /// Return a list of all tasks and milestones int the wbs order
295 QList<Task*> allTasks( const Node *parent = 0 ) const;
297 using Node::findNode;
298 /// Find the node with identity id
299 virtual Node *findNode( const QString &id ) const;
301 using Node::removeId;
302 /// Remove the node with identity id from the registers
303 virtual bool removeId( const QString &id );
305 /// Reserve @p id for the @p node
306 virtual void reserveId( const QString &id, Node *node );
307 /// Register @p node. The nodes id must be unique and non-empty.
308 bool registerNodeId( Node *node );
309 /// Create a unique id.
310 QString uniqueNodeId( int seed = 1 ) const;
311 /// Check if node @p id is used
312 bool nodeIdentExists( const QString &id ) const;
314 /// Create a unique id.
315 QString uniqueNodeId( const QList<QString> &existingIds, int seed = 1 );
317 ResourceGroup *findResourceGroup( const QString &id ) const
318 {
319 if ( resourceGroupIdDict.contains( id ) )
320 return resourceGroupIdDict[ id ];
321 return 0;
322 }
323 /// Remove the resourcegroup with identity id from the register
324 bool removeResourceGroupId( const QString &id )
325 {
326 if ( resourceGroupIdDict.contains( id ) )
327 return resourceGroupIdDict.remove( id );
328 return false;
329 }
330 /// Insert the resourcegroup with identity id
331 void insertResourceGroupId( const QString &id, ResourceGroup* group )
332 {
333 resourceGroupIdDict.insert( id, group );
334 }
335 /// Generate, set and insert unique id
336 bool setResourceGroupId( ResourceGroup *group);
337 /// returns a unique resourcegroup id
338 QString uniqueResourceGroupId() const;
340 /// Return a list of resources that will be allocated to new tasks
341 QList<Resource*> autoAllocateResources() const;
343 Resource *findResource( const QString &id ) const
344 {
345 if ( resourceIdDict.contains( id ) )
346 return resourceIdDict[ id ];
347 return 0;
348 }
349 /// Remove the resource with identity id from the register
350 bool removeResourceId( const QString &id );
351 /// Insert the resource with identity id
352 void insertResourceId( const QString &id, Resource *resource );
353 /// Generate, set and insert unique id
354 bool setResourceId( Resource *resource );
355 /// returns a unique resource id
356 QString uniqueResourceId() const;
358 /// Find the calendar with identity id
359 virtual Calendar *findCalendar( const QString &id ) const
360 {
361 if ( id.isEmpty() || !calendarIdDict.contains( id ) )
362 return 0;
363 return calendarIdDict[ id ];
364 }
365 /// Remove the calendar with identity id from the register
366 virtual bool removeCalendarId( const QString &id );
367 /// Insert the calendar with identity id
368 virtual void insertCalendarId( const QString &id, Calendar *calendar );
369 /// Set and insert a unique id for calendar
370 bool setCalendarId( Calendar *calendar );
371 /// returns a unique calendar id
372 QString uniqueCalendarId() const;
373 /// Return reference to WBS Definition
374 WBSDefinition &wbsDefinition();
375 /// Set WBS Definition to @p def
376 void setWbsDefinition( const WBSDefinition &def );
377 /// Generate WBS Code
378 virtual QString generateWBSCode( QList<int> &indexes ) const;
380 Accounts &accounts() { return m_accounts; }
381 const Accounts &accounts() const { return m_accounts; }
383 /**
384 * Set current schedule to the schedule with identity @p id, for me and my children
385 * Note that this is used (and may be changed) when calculating schedules
386 */
387 virtual void setCurrentSchedule( long id );
388 /// Create new schedule with unique name and id of type Expected.
389 MainSchedule *createSchedule();
390 /// Create new schedule with unique id.
391 MainSchedule *createSchedule( const QString& name, Schedule::Type type );
392 /// Add the schedule to the project. A fresh id will be generated for the schedule.
393 void addMainSchedule( MainSchedule *schedule );
394 /// Set parent schedule for my children
395 virtual void setParentSchedule( Schedule *sch );
397 /// Find the schedule manager that manages the Schedule with @p id
398 ScheduleManager *scheduleManager( long id ) const;
399 /// Find the schedule manager with @p id
400 ScheduleManager *scheduleManager( const QString &id ) const;
401 /// Create a unique schedule name (This may later be changed by the user)
402 QString uniqueScheduleName() const;
403 /// Create a unique schedule manager identity
404 QString uniqueScheduleManagerId() const;
405 ScheduleManager *createScheduleManager();
406 ScheduleManager *createScheduleManager( const QString &name );
407 /// Returns a list of all top level schedule managers
408 QList<ScheduleManager*> scheduleManagers() const { return m_managers; }
409 int numScheduleManagers() const { return m_managers.count(); }
410 int indexOf( const ScheduleManager *sm ) const { return m_managers.indexOf( const_cast<ScheduleManager*>(sm) ); }
411 bool isScheduleManager( void* ptr ) const;
412 void addScheduleManager( ScheduleManager *sm, ScheduleManager *parent = 0, int index = -1 );
413 int takeScheduleManager( ScheduleManager *sm );
414 void moveScheduleManager( ScheduleManager *sm, ScheduleManager *newparent = 0, int newindex = -1 );
415 ScheduleManager *findScheduleManagerByName( const QString &name ) const;
416 /// Returns a list of all schedule managers
417 QList<ScheduleManager*> allScheduleManagers() const;
418 /// Return true if schedule with identity @p id is baselined
419 bool isBaselined( long id = ANYSCHEDULED ) const;
421 void changed( ResourceGroup *group );
422 void changed( Resource *resource );
424 void changed( ScheduleManager *sm );
425 void changed( MainSchedule *sch );
426 void sendScheduleAdded( const MainSchedule *sch );
427 void sendScheduleToBeAdded( const ScheduleManager *manager, int row );
428 void sendScheduleRemoved( const MainSchedule *sch );
429 void sendScheduleToBeRemoved( const MainSchedule *sch );
431 /// Return the time spec used in this project
432 const KDateTime::Spec &timeSpec() const { return m_spec; }
433 /// Return the time zone used in this project
434 KTimeZone timeZone() const { return m_spec.timeZone(); }
435 /// Set the time zone to be used in this project
436 void setTimeZone( const KTimeZone &tz ) { m_spec = KDateTime::Spec( tz ); }
438 /**
439 * Add a relation between the nodes specified in the relation rel.
440 * Emits signals relationToBeAdded() before the relation is added,
441 * and relationAdded() after it has been added.
442 * @param rel The relation to be added.
443 * @param check If true, the relation is checked for validity
444 * @return true if successful.
445 */
446 bool addRelation( Relation *rel, bool check=true );
447 /**
448 * Removes the relation @p rel without deleting it.
449 * Emits signals relationToBeRemoved() before the relation is removed,
450 * and relationRemoved() after it has been removed.
451 */
452 void takeRelation( Relation *rel );
454 /**
455 * Modify the @p type of the @p relation.
456 */
457 void setRelationType( Relation *relation, Relation::Type type );
458 /**
459 * Modify the @p lag of the @p relation.
460 */
461 void setRelationLag( Relation *relation, const Duration &lag );
463 void calcCriticalPathList( MainSchedule *cs );
464 void calcCriticalPathList( MainSchedule *cs, Node *node );
465 /**
466 * Returns the list of critical paths for schedule @p id
467 */
468 const QList< QList<Node*> > *criticalPathList( long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE );
469 QList<Node*> criticalPath( long id = CURRENTSCHEDULE, int index = 0 );
471 /// Returns a flat list af all nodes
472 QList<Node*> flatNodeList( Node *parent = 0 );
474 void generateUniqueNodeIds();
475 void generateUniqueIds();
477 const ConfigBase &config() const { return m_config ? *m_config : emptyConfig; }
478 /// Set configuration data
479 void setConfig( ConfigBase *config ) { m_config = config; }
481 const Task &taskDefaults() const { return config().taskDefaults(); }
483 /// Return locale. (Used for currency, everything else is from KGlobal::locale)
484 KLocale *locale() { return const_cast<ConfigBase&>(config()).locale(); }
485 /// Return locale. (Used for currency, everything else is from KGlobal::locale)
486 const KLocale *locale() const { return config().locale(); }
487 /// Signal that locale data has changed
488 void emitLocaleChanged();
490 void setSchedulerPlugins( const QMap<QString, SchedulerPlugin*> &plugins );
491 const QMap<QString, SchedulerPlugin*> &schedulerPlugins() const { return m_schedulerPlugins; }
493 void initiateCalculation( MainSchedule &sch );
494 void initiateCalculationLists( MainSchedule &sch );
496 void finishCalculation( ScheduleManager &sm );
497 void adjustSummarytask();
499 /// Increments progress and emits signal sigProgress()
500 void incProgress();
501 /// Emits signal maxProgress()
502 void emitMaxProgress( int value );
504 bool stopcalculation;
506 /// return a <id, name> map of all external projects
507 QMap<QString, QString> externalProjects() const;
509 void emitDocumentAdded( Node*, Document*, int index );
510 void emitDocumentRemoved( Node*, Document*, int index );
511 void emitDocumentChanged( Node*, Document*, int index );
513public slots:
514 /// Sets m_progress to @p progress and emits signal sigProgress()
515 /// If @p sm is not 0, progress is also set for the schedule manager
516 void setProgress( int progress, ScheduleManager *sm = 0 );
517 /// Sets m_maxprogress to @p max and emits signal maxProgress()
518 /// If @p sm is not 0, max progress is also set for the schedule manager
519 void setMaxProgress( int max, ScheduleManager *sm = 0 );
522 /// Emitted when anything in the project is changed (use with care)
523 void projectChanged();
524 /// Emitted when the WBS code definition has changed. This may change all nodes.
525 void wbsDefinitionChanged();
526 /// Emitted when a schedule has been calculated
527 void projectCalculated( ScheduleManager *sm );
528 /// Emitted when the pointer to the current schedule has been changed
529 void currentScheduleChanged();
530 /// Use to show progress during calculation
531 void sigProgress( int );
532 /// Use to set the maximum progress (minimum always 0)
533 void maxProgress( int );
534 /// Emitted when calculation starts
535 void sigCalculationStarted( Project *project, ScheduleManager *sm );
536 /// Emitted when calculation is finished
537 void sigCalculationFinished( Project *project, ScheduleManager *sm );
538 /// This signal is emitted when one of the nodes members is changed.
539 void nodeChanged( Node* );
540 /// This signal is emitted when the node is to be added to the project.
541 void nodeToBeAdded( Node*, int );
542 /// This signal is emitted when the node has been added to the project.
543 void nodeAdded( Node* );
544 /// This signal is emitted when the node is to be removed from the project.
545 void nodeToBeRemoved( Node* );
546 /// This signal is emitted when the node has been removed from the project.
547 void nodeRemoved( Node* );
548 /// This signal is emitted when the node is to be moved up, moved down, indented or unindented.
549 void nodeToBeMoved( Node* node, int pos, Node* newParent, int newPos );
550 /// This signal is emitted when the node has been moved up, moved down, indented or unindented.
551 void nodeMoved( Node* );
553 /// This signal is emitted when a document is added
554 void documentAdded( Node*, Document*, int index );
555 /// This signal is emitted when a document is removed
556 void documentRemoved( Node*, Document*, int index );
557 /// This signal is emitted when a document is changed
558 void documentChanged( Node*, Document*, int index );
560 void resourceGroupChanged( ResourceGroup *group );
561 void resourceGroupAdded( const ResourceGroup *group );
562 void resourceGroupToBeAdded( const ResourceGroup *group, int row );
563 void resourceGroupRemoved( const ResourceGroup *group );
564 void resourceGroupToBeRemoved( const ResourceGroup *group );
566 void resourceChanged( Resource *resource );
567 void resourceAdded( const Resource *resource );
568 void resourceToBeAdded( const ResourceGroup *group, int row );
569 void resourceRemoved( const Resource *resource );
570 void resourceToBeRemoved( const Resource *resource );
572 void scheduleManagerChanged( ScheduleManager *sch );
573 void scheduleManagerAdded( const ScheduleManager *sch );
574 void scheduleManagerToBeAdded( const ScheduleManager *sch, int row );
575 void scheduleManagerRemoved( const ScheduleManager *sch );
576 void scheduleManagerToBeRemoved( const ScheduleManager *sch );
577 void scheduleManagerMoved( const ScheduleManager *sch, int row );
578 void scheduleManagerToBeMoved( const ScheduleManager *sch );
580 void scheduleChanged( MainSchedule *sch );
581 void scheduleToBeAdded( const ScheduleManager *manager, int row );
582 void scheduleAdded( const MainSchedule *sch );
583 void scheduleToBeRemoved( const MainSchedule *sch );
584 void scheduleRemoved( const MainSchedule *sch );
586// void currentViewScheduleIdChanged( long id );
588 void calendarChanged( Calendar *cal );
589 void calendarToBeAdded( const Calendar *cal, int row );
590 void calendarAdded( const Calendar *cal );
591 void calendarToBeRemoved( const Calendar *cal );
592 void calendarRemoved( const Calendar *cal );
594 /**
595 * Emitted when the default calendar pointer has changed
596 * @parem cal The new default calendar. May be 0.
597 */
598 void defaultCalendarChanged( Calendar *cal );
599 /**
600 * Emitted when the standard worktime has been changed.
601 */
602 void standardWorktimeChanged( StandardWorktime* );
604 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel is about to be added.
605 void relationToBeAdded( Relation *rel, int parentIndex, int childIndex );
606 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel has been added.
607 void relationAdded( Relation *rel );
608 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel is about to be removed.
609 void relationToBeRemoved( Relation *rel );
610 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel has been removed.
611 void relationRemoved( Relation *rel );
612 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel shall be modified.
613 void relationToBeModified( Relation *rel );
614 /// Emitted when the relation @p rel has been modified.
615 void relationModified( Relation *rel );
617 /// Emitted when locale data has changed
618 void localeChanged();
621 /// Calculate the schedule.
622 void calculate( Schedule *scedule );
623 /// Calculate current schedule
624 void calculate();
626 /// Re-calculate the schedule from @p dt
627 void calculate( Schedule *scedule, const DateTime &dt );
628 /// Calculate current schedule from @p dt (Always calculates forward)
629 void calculate( const DateTime &dt );
631 /// Calculate critical path
632 virtual bool calcCriticalPath( bool fromEnd );
634 /// Prepare task lists for scheduling
635 void tasksForward();
636 /// Prepare task lists for scheduling
637 void tasksBackward();
640 friend class KPlatoXmlLoaderBase;
641 using Node::changed;
642 virtual void changed(Node *node, int property = -1);
644 Accounts m_accounts;
645 QList<ResourceGroup*> m_resourceGroups;
647 QList<Calendar*> m_calendars;
648 Calendar * m_defaultCalendar;
650 StandardWorktime *m_standardWorktime;
652 DateTime calculateForward( int use );
653 DateTime calculateBackward( int use );
654 DateTime scheduleForward( const DateTime &earliest, int use );
655 DateTime scheduleBackward( const DateTime &latest, int use );
656 DateTime checkStartConstraints( const DateTime &dt ) const;
657 DateTime checkEndConstraints( const DateTime &dt ) const;
659 bool legalParents( const Node *par, const Node *child ) const;
660 bool legalChildren( const Node *par, const Node *child ) const;
664 static bool checkParent( Node *n, QList<Node*> list, QList<Relation*> &checked );
665 static bool checkChildren( Node *n, QList<Node*> list, QList<Relation*> &checked );
668 void init();
670 QHash<QString, ResourceGroup*> resourceGroupIdDict;
671 QHash<QString, Resource*> resourceIdDict;
672 QHash<QString, Node*> nodeIdDict;
673 QMap<QString, Node*> nodeIdReserved;
674 QMap<QString, Calendar*> calendarIdDict;
675 QMap<QString, ScheduleManager*> m_managerIdMap;
677 QList<ScheduleManager*> m_managers;
678 KDateTime::Spec m_spec;
680 WBSDefinition m_wbsDefinition;
682 ConfigBase emptyConfig;
683 QPointer<ConfigBase> m_config; // this one is not owned by me, don't delete
685 int m_progress;
687 QMap<QString, SchedulerPlugin*> m_schedulerPlugins;
689 int m_refCount; // make it possible to use the project by different threads
691 QList<Task*> m_hardConstraints;
692 QList<Task*> m_softConstraints;
693 QList<Task*> m_terminalNodes;
698} //KPlato namespace