1/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
2 Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
3 Copyright (C) 2005 Dominik Haumann (dhdev@gmx.de) (documentation)
5 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 Library General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
17 the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
18 Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
24#include <ktexteditor/ktexteditor_export.h>
25// the very important KTextEditor::Cursor class
26#include <ktexteditor/cursor.h>
27#include <ktexteditor/range.h>
29// our main baseclass of the KTextEditor::Document
30#include <kparts/part.h>
32// the list of views
33#include <QtCore/QList>
34#include <QtCore/QMetaType>
36namespace KTextEditor
39class Editor;
40class View;
43 * \brief A KParts derived class representing a text document.
44 *
45 * Topics:
46 * - \ref doc_intro
47 * - \ref doc_manipulation
48 * - \ref doc_views
49 * - \ref doc_extensions
50 *
51 * \section doc_intro Introduction
52 *
53 * The Document class represents a pure text document providing methods to
54 * modify the content and create views. A document can have any number
55 * of views, each view representing the same content, i.e. all views are
56 * synchronized. Support for text selection is handled by a View and text
57 * format attributes by the Attribute class.
58 *
59 * To load a document call KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openUrl().
60 * To reload a document from a file call documentReload(), to save the
61 * document call documentSave() or documentSaveAs(). Whenever the modified
62 * state of the document changes the signal modifiedChanged() is emitted.
63 * Check the modified state with KParts::ReadWritePart::isModified().
64 * Further signals are documentUrlChanged(). The encoding can be specified
65 * with setEncoding(), however this will only take effect on file reload and
66 * file save.
67 *
68 * \section doc_manipulation Text Manipulation
69 *
70 * Get the whole content with text() and set new content with setText().
71 * Call insertText() or insertLine() to insert new text or removeText()
72 * and removeLine() to remove content. Whenever the document's content
73 * changed the signal textChanged() is emitted. Additional signals are
74 * textInserted() and textRemoved(). Note, that the first line in the
75 * document is line 0.
76 *
77 * If the editor part supports it, a document provides full undo/redo history.
78 * Text manipulation actions can be grouped together using startEditing()
79 * and endEditing(). All actions in between are grouped together to only one
80 * undo/redo action. Due to internal reference counting you can call
81 * startEditing() and endEditing() as often as you wish, but make sure you
82 * call endEditing() exactly as often as you call startEditing(), otherwise
83 * the reference counter gets confused.
84 *
85 * \section doc_views Document Views
86 *
87 * A View displays the document's content. As already mentioned, a document
88 * can have any number of views, all synchronized. Get a list of all views
89 * with views(). Only one of the views can be active (i.e. has focus), get
90 * it by using activeView(). Create a new view with createView(). Every time
91 * a new view is created the signal viewCreated() is emitted.
92 *
93 * \section doc_extensions Document Extension Interfaces
94 *
95 * A simple document represents text and provides text manipulation methods.
96 * However, a real text editor should support advanced concepts like session
97 * support, textsearch support, bookmark/general mark support etc. That is why
98 * the KTextEditor library provides several additional interfaces to extend
99 * a document's capabilities via multiple inheritance.
100 *
101 * More information about interfaces for the document can be found in
102 * \ref kte_group_doc_extensions.
103 *
104 * \see KParts::ReadWritePart, KTextEditor::Editor, KTextEditor::View,
105 * KTextEditor::MarkInterface,
106 * KTextEditor::ModificationInterface, KTextEditor::SearchInterface,
107 * KTextEditor::SessionConfigInterface, KTextEditor::SmartInterface,
108 * KTextEditor::VariableInterface
109 * \author Christoph Cullmann \<cullmann@kde.org\>
110 */
111class KTEXTEDITOR_EXPORT Document : public KParts::ReadWritePart
115 public:
116 /**
117 * Constructor.
118 *
119 * Create a new document with \p parent.
120 * \param parent parent object
121 * \see Editor::createDocument()
122 */
123 Document ( QObject *parent = 0);
125 /**
126 * Virtual destructor.
127 */
128 virtual ~Document ();
130 /*
131 * Methods to create and manage the views of this document and access the
132 * global editor object.
133 */
134 public:
135 /**
136 * Get the global editor object. The editor part implementation must
137 * ensure that this object exists as long as any factory or document
138 * object exists.
139 * \return global KTextEditor::Editor object
140 * \see KTextEditor::Editor
141 */
142 virtual Editor *editor () = 0;
144 /**
145 * Create a new view attached to @p parent.
146 * @param parent parent widget
147 * @return the new view
148 */
149 virtual View *createView ( QWidget *parent ) = 0;
151 /**
152 * Return the view which currently has user focus, if any.
153 */
154 virtual View* activeView() const = 0;
156 /**
157 * Returns the views pre-casted to KTextEditor::View%s
158 */
159 virtual const QList<View*> &views() const = 0;
162 /**
163 * This signal is emitted whenever the \p document creates a new \p view.
164 * It should be called for every view to help applications / plugins to
165 * attach to the \p view.
166 * \attention This signal should be emitted after the view constructor is
167 * completed, e.g. in the createView() method.
168 * \param document the document for which a new view is created
169 * \param view the new view
170 * \see createView()
171 */
172 void viewCreated (KTextEditor::Document *document, KTextEditor::View *view);
174 /*
175 * General information about this document and its content.
176 */
177 public:
178 /**
179 * Get this document's name.
180 * The editor part should provide some meaningful name, like some unique
181 * "Untitled XYZ" for the document - \e without URL or basename for
182 * documents with url.
183 * \return readable document name
184 */
185 virtual const QString &documentName () const = 0;
187 /**
188 * Get this document's mimetype.
189 * \return mimetype
190 */
191 virtual QString mimeType() = 0;
193 /*
195 * following signals should be emitted by the editor document.
196 */
198 /**
199 * This signal is emitted whenever the \p document name changes.
200 * \param document document which changed its name
201 * \see documentName()
202 */
203 void documentNameChanged ( KTextEditor::Document *document );
205 /**
206 * This signal is emitted whenever the \p document URL changes.
207 * \param document document which changed its URL
208 * \see KParts::ReadOnlyPart::url()
209 */
210 void documentUrlChanged ( KTextEditor::Document *document );
212 /**
213 * This signal is emitted whenever the \p document's buffer changed from
214 * either state \e unmodified to \e modified or vice versa.
215 *
216 * \param document document which changed its modified state
217 * \see KParts::ReadWritePart::isModified().
218 * \see KParts::ReadWritePart::setModified()
219 */
220 void modifiedChanged ( KTextEditor::Document *document );
222 /**
223 * This signal is emitted whenever the readWrite state of a document changes
224 */
225//warning ADD IN KDE5
226// void readWriteChanged (KTextEditor::Document *document);
228 /*
229 * VERY IMPORTANT: Methods to set and query the current encoding of the
230 * document
231 */
232 public:
233 /**
234 * Set the encoding for this document. This encoding will be used
235 * while loading and saving files, it will \e not affect the already
236 * existing content of the document, e.g. if the file has already been
237 * opened without the correct encoding, this will \e not fix it, you
238 * would for example need to trigger a reload for this.
239 * \param encoding new encoding for the document, the name must be
240 * accepted by QTextCodec, if an empty encoding name is given, the
241 * part should fallback to its own default encoding, e.g. the
242 * system encoding or the global user settings
243 * \return \e true on success, or \e false, if the encoding could not be set.
244 * \see encoding()
245 */
246 virtual bool setEncoding (const QString &encoding) = 0;
248 /**
249 * Get the current chosen encoding. The return value is an empty string,
250 * if the document uses the default encoding of the editor and no own
251 * special encoding.
252 * \return current encoding of the document
253 * \see setEncoding()
254 */
255 virtual const QString &encoding () const = 0;
257 /*
258 * General file related actions.
259 * All this actions cause user interaction in some cases.
260 */
261 public:
262 /**
263 * Reload the current file.
264 * The user will be prompted by the part on changes and more and can
265 * cancel this action if it can harm.
266 * \return \e true if the reload has been done, otherwise \e false. If
267 * the document has no url set, it will just return \e false.
268 */
269 virtual bool documentReload () = 0;
271 /**
272 * Save the current file.
273 * The user will be asked for a filename if needed and more.
274 * \return \e true on success, i.e. the save has been done, otherwise
275 * \e false
276 */
277 virtual bool documentSave () = 0;
279 /**
280 * Save the current file to another location.
281 * The user will be asked for a filename and more.
282 * \return \e true on success, i.e. the save has been done, otherwise
283 * \e false
284 */
285 virtual bool documentSaveAs () = 0;
288 /**
289 * This signal should be emitted after a document has been saved to disk or for remote files uploaded.
290 * saveAs should be set to true, if the operation is a save as operation
291 */
292 void documentSavedOrUploaded(KTextEditor::Document* document,bool saveAs);
294 /*
295 * Methodes to create/end editing sequences.
296 */
297 public:
298 /**
299 * Begin an editing sequence.
300 * Edit commands during this sequence will be bunched together so that
301 * they represent a single undo command in the editor, and so that
302 * repaint events do not occur inbetween.
303 *
304 * Your application should \e not return control to the event loop while
305 * it has an unterminated (i.e. no matching endEditing() call) editing
306 * sequence (result undefined) - so do all of your work in one go!
307 *
308 * This call stacks, like the endEditing() calls, this means you can
309 * safely call it three times in a row for example if you call
310 * endEditing() three times, too, it internaly just does counting the
311 * running editing sessions.
312 *
313 * If the texteditor part does not support these transactions,
314 * both calls just do nothing.
315 *
316 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false. Parts not supporting
317 * it should return \e false
318 * \see endEditing()
319 */
320 virtual bool startEditing () = 0;
322 /**
323 * End an editing sequence.
324 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false. Parts not supporting
325 * it should return \e false.
326 * \see startEditing() for more details
327 */
328 virtual bool endEditing () = 0;
330 /*
331 * General access to the document's text content.
332 */
333 public:
334 /**
335 * Get the document content.
336 * \return the complete document content
337 * \see setText()
338 */
339 virtual QString text () const = 0;
341 /**
342 * Get the document content within the given \p range.
343 * \param range the range of text to retrieve
344 * \param block Set this to \e true to receive text in a visual block,
345 * rather than everything inside \p range.
346 * \return the requested text part, or QString() for invalid ranges.
347 * \see setText()
348 */
349 virtual QString text ( const Range& range, bool block = false ) const = 0;
351 /**
352 * Get the character at \p cursor.
353 * \param position the location of the character to retrieve
354 * \return the requested character, or QChar() for invalid cursors.
355 * \see setText()
356 */
357 virtual QChar character( const Cursor& position ) const = 0;
359 /**
360 * Get the document content within the given \p range.
361 * \param range the range of text to retrieve
362 * \param block Set this to \e true to receive text in a visual block,
363 * rather than everything inside \p range.
364 * \return the requested text lines, or QStringList() for invalid ranges.
365 * no end of line termination is included.
366 * \see setText()
367 */
368 virtual QStringList textLines ( const Range& range, bool block = false ) const = 0;
370 /**
371 * Get a single text line.
372 * \param line the wanted line
373 * \return the requested line, or "" for invalid line numbers
374 * \see text(), lineLength()
375 */
376 virtual QString line ( int line ) const = 0;
378 /**
379 * Get the count of lines of the document.
380 * \return the current number of lines in the document
381 * \see length()
382 */
383 virtual int lines () const = 0;
385 /**
386 * End position of the document.
387 * \return The last column on the last line of the document
388 * \see all()
389 */
390 virtual Cursor documentEnd() const = 0;
392 /**
393 * A Range which encompasses the whole document.
394 * \return A range from the start to the end of the document
395 */
396 inline Range documentRange() const { return Range(Cursor::start(), documentEnd()); }
398 /**
399 * Get the count of characters in the document. A TAB character counts as
400 * only one character.
401 * \return the number of characters in the document
402 * \see lines()
403 */
404 virtual int totalCharacters() const = 0;
406 /**
407 * Returns if the document is empty.
408 */
409 virtual bool isEmpty() const;
411 /**
412 * Get the length of a given line in characters.
413 * \param line line to get length from
414 * \return the number of characters in the line or -1 if the line was
415 * invalid
416 * \see line()
417 */
418 virtual int lineLength ( int line ) const = 0;
420 /**
421 * Get the end cursor position of line \p line.
422 * \param line line
423 * \see lineLength(), line()
424 */
425 inline Cursor endOfLine(int line) const { return Cursor(line, lineLength(line)); }
427 /**
428 * Set the given text as new document content.
429 * \param text new content for the document
430 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
431 * \see text()
432 */
433 virtual bool setText ( const QString &text ) = 0;
435 /**
436 * Set the given text as new document content.
437 * \param text new content for the document
438 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
439 * \see text()
440 */
441 virtual bool setText ( const QStringList &text ) = 0;
443 /**
444 * Remove the whole content of the document.
445 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
446 * \see removeText(), removeLine()
447 */
448 virtual bool clear () = 0;
450 /**
451 * Insert \p text at \p position.
452 * \param position position to insert the text
453 * \param text text to insert
454 * \param block insert this text as a visual block of text rather than a linear sequence
455 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
456 * \see setText(), removeText()
457 */
458 virtual bool insertText ( const Cursor &position, const QString &text, bool block = false ) = 0;
460 /**
461 * Insert \p text at \p position.
462 * \param position position to insert the text
463 * \param text text to insert
464 * \param block insert this text as a visual block of text rather than a linear sequence
465 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
466 * \see setText(), removeText()
467 */
468 virtual bool insertText ( const Cursor &position, const QStringList &text, bool block = false ) = 0;
470 /**
471 * Replace text from \p range with specified \p text.
472 * \param range range of text to replace
473 * \param text text to replace with
474 * \param block replace text as a visual block of text rather than a linear sequence
475 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
476 * \see setText(), removeText(), insertText()
477 */
478 virtual bool replaceText ( const Range &range, const QString &text, bool block = false );
480 /**
481 * Replace text from \p range with specified \p text.
482 * \param range range of text to replace
483 * \param text text to replace with
484 * \param block replace text as a visual block of text rather than a linear sequence
485 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
486 * \see setText(), removeText(), insertText()
487 */
488 virtual bool replaceText ( const Range &range, const QStringList &text, bool block = false );
490 /**
491 * Remove the text specified in \p range.
492 * \param range range of text to remove
493 * \param block set this to true to remove a text block on the basis of columns, rather than everything inside \p range
494 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
495 * \see setText(), insertText()
496 */
497 virtual bool removeText ( const Range &range, bool block = false ) = 0;
499 /**
500 * Checks whether the \p cursor specifies a valid position in a document.
501 * It can optionally be overridden by an implementation.
502 * \param cursor which should be checked
503 * \return \e true, if the cursor is valid, otherwise \e false
504 * \see SmartCursor::isValid()
505 */
506 virtual bool cursorInText(const Cursor &cursor);
508 /**
509 * Insert line(s) at the given line number. The newline character '\\n'
510 * is treated as line delimiter, so it is possible to insert multiple
511 * lines. To append lines at the end of the document, use
512 * \code
513 * insertLine( lines(), text )
514 * \endcode
515 * \param line line where to insert the text
516 * \param text text which should be inserted
517 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
518 * \see insertText()
519 */
520 virtual bool insertLine ( int line, const QString &text ) = 0;
522 /**
523 * Insert line(s) at the given line number. The newline character '\\n'
524 * is treated as line delimiter, so it is possible to insert multiple
525 * lines. To append lines at the end of the document, use
526 * \code
527 * insertLine( lines(), text )
528 * \endcode
529 * \param line line where to insert the text
530 * \param text text which should be inserted
531 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
532 * \see insertText()
533 */
534 virtual bool insertLines ( int line, const QStringList &text ) = 0;
536 /**
537 * Remove \p line from the document.
538 * \param line line to remove
539 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
540 * \see removeText(), clear()
541 */
542 virtual bool removeLine ( int line ) = 0;
544 /*
546 * Following signals should be emitted by the document if the text content
547 * is changed.
548 */
550 /**
551 * The \p document emits this signal whenever its text changes.
552 * \param document document which emitted this signal
553 * \see text(), textLine()
554 */
555 void textChanged(KTextEditor::Document *document);
557 /**
558 * The \p document emits this signal whenever text was inserted. The
559 * insertion occurred at range.start(), and new text now occupies up to
560 * range.end().
561 * \param document document which emitted this signal
562 * \param range range that the newly inserted text occupies
563 * \see insertText(), insertLine()
564 */
565 void textInserted(KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range& range);
567 /**
568 * The \p document emits this signal whenever \p range was removed, i.e.
569 * text was removed.
570 * \param document document which emitted this signal
571 * \param range range that the removed text previously occupied
572 * \see removeText(), removeLine(), clear()
573 */
574 void textRemoved(KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range& range);
576 /**
577 * The \p document emits this signal whenever \p range was removed, i.e.
578 * text was removed.
579 * \param document document which emitted this signal
580 * \param range range that the removed text previously occupied
581 * \param oldText the text that has been removed
582 * \see removeText(), removeLine(), clear()
583 */
584 void textRemoved(KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range& range, const QString& oldText);
586 /**
587 * The \p document emits this signal whenever the text in range
588 * \p oldRange was removed and replaced with the text now in \e newRange,
589 * e.g. the user selects text and pastes new text to replace the selection.
590 * \note \p oldRange.start() is guaranteed to equal \p newRange.start().
591 * \param document document which emitted this signal
592 * \param oldRange range that the text previously occupied
593 * \param newRange range that the changed text now occupies
594 * \see insertText(), insertLine(), removeText(), removeLine(), clear()
595 */
596 void textChanged(KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range& oldRange, const KTextEditor::Range& newRange);
598 /**
599 * The \p document emits this signal whenever the text in range
600 * \p oldRange was removed and replaced with the text now in \e newRange,
601 * e.g. the user selects text and pastes new text to replace the selection.
602 * \note \p oldRange.start() is guaranteed to equal \p newRange.start().
603 * \param document document which emitted this signal
604 * \param oldRange range that the text previously occupied
605 * \param oldText old text that has been replaced
606 * \param newRange range that the changed text now occupies
607 * \see insertText(), insertLine(), removeText(), removeLine(), clear()
608 */
609 void textChanged(KTextEditor::Document *document, const KTextEditor::Range& oldRange, const QString& oldText, const KTextEditor::Range& newRange);
611 /**
612 * Warn anyone listening that the current document is about to close.
613 * At this point all of the information is still accessible, such as the text,
614 * cursors and ranges.
615 *
616 * Any modifications made to the document at this point will be lost.
617 *
618 * \param document the document being closed
619 */
620 void aboutToClose(KTextEditor::Document *document);
622 /**
623 * Warn anyone listening that the current document is about to reload.
624 * At this point all of the information is still accessible, such as the text,
625 * cursors and ranges.
626 *
627 * Any modifications made to the document at this point will be lost.
628 *
629 * \param document the document being reloaded
630 */
631 void aboutToReload(KTextEditor::Document *document);
633 /**
634 * Emitted after the current document was reloaded.
635 * At this point, some information might have been invalidated, like
636 * for example the editing history.
637 *
638 * \param document the document that was reloaded.
639 *
640 * @since 4.6
641 */
642 void reloaded(KTextEditor::Document *document);
644 /**
645 * Upon emission, the document's content may only be changed by the initiator
646 * of this signal until exclusiveEditEnd() is signalled. It is, however,
647 * possible to listen to changes of the content.
648 *
649 * Signalled e.g. on undo or redo.
650 *
651 * @since 4.5
652 */
653 void exclusiveEditStart(KTextEditor::Document *document);
655 /**
656 * In conjunction with exclusiveEditStart(), signals that the document's content
657 * may be changed again without restriction.
658 *
659 * @since 4.5
660 */
661 void exclusiveEditEnd(KTextEditor::Document *document);
663 /*
664 * Access to the mode/highlighting subsystem
665 */
666 public:
667 /**
668 * Return the name of the currently used mode
669 * \return name of the used mode
670 * \see modes(), setMode()
671 */
672 virtual QString mode() const = 0;
674 /**
675 * Return the name of the currently used mode
676 * \return name of the used mode
677 * \see highlightingModes(), setHighlightingMode()
678 */
679 virtual QString highlightingMode() const = 0;
681 /**
682 * Return a list of the names of all possible modes
683 * \return list of mode names
684 * \see mode(), setMode()
685 */
686 virtual QStringList modes() const = 0;
688 /**
689 * Return a list of the names of all possible modes
690 * \return list of mode names
691 * \see highlightingMode(), setHighlightingMode()
692 */
693 virtual QStringList highlightingModes() const = 0;
695 /**
696 * Set the current mode of the document by giving its name
697 * \param name name of the mode to use for this document
698 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
699 * \see mode(), modes(), modeChanged()
700 */
701 virtual bool setMode(const QString &name) = 0;
703 /**
704 * Set the current mode of the document by giving its name
705 * \param name name of the mode to use for this document
706 * \return \e true on success, otherwise \e false
707 * \see highlightingMode(), highlightingModes(), highlightingModeChanged()
708 */
709 virtual bool setHighlightingMode(const QString &name) = 0;
711 /**
712 * Returns the name of the section for a highlight given its index in the highlight
713 * list (as returned by highlightModes()).
714 *
715 * You can use this function to build a tree of the highlight names, organized in sections.
716 *
717 * \param index the index of the highlight in the list returned by modes()
718 */
719 virtual QString highlightingModeSection( int index ) const = 0;
721 /**
722 * Returns the name of the section for a mode given its index in the highlight
723 * list (as returned by modes()).
724 *
725 * You can use this function to build a tree of the mode names, organized in sections.
726 *
727 * \param index the index of the highlight in the list returned by modes()
728 */
729 virtual QString modeSection( int index ) const = 0;
731 /*
733 * Following signals should be emitted by the document if the mode
734 * of the document changes
735 */
737 /**
738 * Warn anyone listening that the current document's mode has
739 * changed.
740 *
741 * \param document the document whose mode has changed
742 * \see setMode()
743 */
744 void modeChanged(KTextEditor::Document *document);
746 /**
747 * Warn anyone listening that the current document's highlighting mode has
748 * changed.
749 *
750 * \param document the document which's mode has changed
751 * \see setHighlightingMode()
752 */
753 void highlightingModeChanged(KTextEditor::Document *document);
755 private:
756 class DocumentPrivate* const d;
758 public:
759 /**
760 * by default dialogs should be displayed.
761 * In any case (dialog shown or suppressed)
762 * openingErrors and openingErrorMessage should have meaningfull values
763 *
764 * \param suppress true/false value if dialogs should be displayed
765 */
766 void setSuppressOpeningErrorDialogs(bool suppress);
767 bool suppressOpeningErrorDialogs() const;
768 /**
769 * True, eg if the file for opening could not be read
770 * This doesn't have to handle the KPart job cancled cases
771 */
772 bool openingError() const;
773 QString openingErrorMessage() const;
775 /**
776 * since in kate part opening an non existend local file, doesn't cause an error anymore, a new
777 * field for storing if the local document is an orphan is needed. In the remote case the opening error is still used
778 */
779 bool isOrphaned() const;
780 void setOrphaned(bool value);
782 protected:
783 void setOpeningError(bool errors);
784 void setOpeningErrorMessage(const QString& message);
793// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;