2 kstars.h - K Desktop Planetarium
3 -------------------
4 begin : Mon Jan 7 2002
5 copyright : (C) 2002 by Mark Hollomon
6 email : mhh@mindspring.com
7 ***************************************************************************/
9 * *
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
13 * (at your option) any later version. *
14 * *
15 ***************************************************************************/
17/**@class KSUtils
18 *@short KStars utility functions
19 *@author Mark Hollomon
20 *@version 1.0
21 *Static functions for various purposes.
22 *The openDataFile() function searches the standard KDE directories
23 *for the data filename given as an argument.
24 *(it is impossible to instantiate a KSUtils object; just use the static functions).
25 */
27#ifndef KSTARS_KSUTILS_H__
28#define KSTARS_KSUTILS_H__
30#include <cstddef>
31#include <Eigen/Core>
32using namespace Eigen;
33#include <QPointF>
34#include "dms.h"
36class QFile;
37class QString;
38class SkyPoint;
40namespace KSUtils {
41 /** Attempt to open the data file named filename, using the QFile object "file".
42 *First look in the standard KDE directories, then look in a local "data"
43 *subdirectory. If the data file cannot be found or opened, display a warning
44 *messagebox.
45 *@short Open a data file.
46 *@param &file The QFile object to be opened
47 *@param filename The name of the data file.
48 *@returns bool Returns true if data file was opened successfully.
49 *@returns a reference to the opened file.
50 */
51 bool openDataFile( QFile &file, const QString &filename );
53 /** Clamp value into range.
54 * @p x value to clamp.
55 * @p min minimal allowed value.
56 * @p max maximum allowed value.
57 */
58 template<typename T>
59 inline T clamp(T x, T min, T max) {
60 if( x < min )
61 return min;
62 if( x > max )
63 return max;
64 return x;
65 }
67 /** Put angle into range. Period is equal to max-min.
68 *
69 * @p x angle value
70 * @p min minimal angle
71 * @p max maximal angle
72 */
73 template<typename T>
74 inline T reduceAngle(T x, T min, T max) {
75 T delta = max - min;
76 return x - delta*floor( (x-min)/delta );
77 }
79 /** Convert from spherical to cartesian coordiate system.
80 * Resulting vector have unit length
81 */
82 inline Vector3d fromSperical(dms longitude, dms latitude) {
83 double sinL, sinB;
84 double cosL, cosB;
85 longitude.SinCos( sinL, cosL );
86 latitude.SinCos( sinB, cosB );
87 return Vector3d(cosB*cosL, cosB*sinL, sinB);
88 }
90 /** Convert a vector to a point */
91 inline QPointF vecToPoint(const Vector2f& vec) {
92 return QPointF( vec[0], vec[1] );
93 }
95 /** Convert a point to a vector */
96 inline Vector2f pointToVec(const QPointF& p) {
97 return Vector2f(p.x(),p.y());
98 }
100 /**
101 *@short Create a URL to obtain a DSS image for a given SkyPoint
102 *@note If SkyPoint is a DeepSkyObject, this method automatically
103 *decides the image size required to fit the object.
104 */
105 QString getDSSURL( const SkyPoint * const p );
107 /**
108 *@short Create a URL to obtain a DSS image for a given RA, Dec
109 *@param RA The J2000.0 Right Ascension of the point
110 *@param Dec The J2000.0 Declination of the point
111 *@param width The width of the image in arcminutes
112 *@param height The height of the image in arcminutes
113 *@param type The image type, either gif or fits.
114 *@note This method resets height and width to fall within the range accepted by DSS
115 */
116 QString getDSSURL( const dms &ra, const dms &dec, float width = 0, float height = 0, const QString & type = "gif");
118 /**
119 *@short Return a string corresponding to an angle specifying direction
120 *
121 * The angle must measure direction from North, towards East. Both
122 * the azimuth and position angle follow this convention, so this
123 * method can be used to return a string corresponding to the
124 * general heading of a given azimuth / position angle.
125 *
126 *@param angle angle as dms (measured from North, towards East)
127 *@return A localized string corresponding to the approximate direction (eg: NNW)
128 */
129 QString toDirectionString( dms angle );