1//===--- CGDebugInfo.h - DebugInfo for LLVM CodeGen -------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This is the source-level debug info generator for llvm translation.
16#include "CGBuilder.h"
17#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
18#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
19#include "clang/AST/ExternalASTSource.h"
20#include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h"
21#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
22#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
23#include "clang/Basic/CodeGenOptions.h"
24#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
25#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
26#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
27#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
28#include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h"
30#include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
31#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
32#include <optional>
34namespace llvm {
35class MDNode;
38namespace clang {
39class ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl;
40class GlobalDecl;
41class ModuleMap;
42class ObjCInterfaceDecl;
43class UsingDecl;
44class VarDecl;
45enum class DynamicInitKind : unsigned;
47namespace CodeGen {
48class CodeGenModule;
49class CodeGenFunction;
50class CGBlockInfo;
52/// This class gathers all debug information during compilation and is
53/// responsible for emitting to llvm globals or pass directly to the
54/// backend.
55class CGDebugInfo {
56 friend class ApplyDebugLocation;
57 friend class SaveAndRestoreLocation;
58 CodeGenModule &CGM;
59 const llvm::codegenoptions::DebugInfoKind DebugKind;
60 bool DebugTypeExtRefs;
61 llvm::DIBuilder DBuilder;
62 llvm::DICompileUnit *TheCU = nullptr;
63 ModuleMap *ClangModuleMap = nullptr;
64 ASTSourceDescriptor PCHDescriptor;
65 SourceLocation CurLoc;
66 llvm::MDNode *CurInlinedAt = nullptr;
67 llvm::DIType *VTablePtrType = nullptr;
68 llvm::DIType *ClassTy = nullptr;
69 llvm::DICompositeType *ObjTy = nullptr;
70 llvm::DIType *SelTy = nullptr;
71#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix) \
72 llvm::DIType *SingletonId = nullptr;
73#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLImageTypes.def"
74 llvm::DIType *OCLSamplerDITy = nullptr;
75 llvm::DIType *OCLEventDITy = nullptr;
76 llvm::DIType *OCLClkEventDITy = nullptr;
77 llvm::DIType *OCLQueueDITy = nullptr;
78 llvm::DIType *OCLNDRangeDITy = nullptr;
79 llvm::DIType *OCLReserveIDDITy = nullptr;
80#define EXT_OPAQUE_TYPE(ExtType, Id, Ext) \
81 llvm::DIType *Id##Ty = nullptr;
82#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLExtensionTypes.def"
83#define WASM_TYPE(Name, Id, SingletonId) llvm::DIType *SingletonId = nullptr;
84#include "clang/Basic/WebAssemblyReferenceTypes.def"
86 /// Cache of previously constructed Types.
87 llvm::DenseMap<const void *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> TypeCache;
89 /// Cache that maps VLA types to size expressions for that type,
90 /// represented by instantiated Metadata nodes.
91 llvm::SmallDenseMap<QualType, llvm::Metadata *> SizeExprCache;
93 /// Callbacks to use when printing names and types.
94 class PrintingCallbacks final : public clang::PrintingCallbacks {
95 const CGDebugInfo &Self;
97 public:
98 PrintingCallbacks(const CGDebugInfo &Self) : Self(Self) {}
99 std::string remapPath(StringRef Path) const override {
100 return Self.remapDIPath(Path);
101 }
102 };
103 PrintingCallbacks PrintCB = {*this};
105 struct ObjCInterfaceCacheEntry {
106 const ObjCInterfaceType *Type;
107 llvm::DIType *Decl;
108 llvm::DIFile *Unit;
109 ObjCInterfaceCacheEntry(const ObjCInterfaceType *Type, llvm::DIType *Decl,
110 llvm::DIFile *Unit)
111 : Type(Type), Decl(Decl), Unit(Unit) {}
112 };
114 /// Cache of previously constructed interfaces which may change.
115 llvm::SmallVector<ObjCInterfaceCacheEntry, 32> ObjCInterfaceCache;
117 /// Cache of forward declarations for methods belonging to the interface.
118 /// The extra bit on the DISubprogram specifies whether a method is
119 /// "objc_direct".
120 llvm::DenseMap<const ObjCInterfaceDecl *,
121 std::vector<llvm::PointerIntPair<llvm::DISubprogram *, 1>>>
122 ObjCMethodCache;
124 /// Cache of references to clang modules and precompiled headers.
125 llvm::DenseMap<const Module *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> ModuleCache;
127 /// List of interfaces we want to keep even if orphaned.
128 std::vector<void *> RetainedTypes;
130 /// Cache of forward declared types to RAUW at the end of compilation.
131 std::vector<std::pair<const TagType *, llvm::TrackingMDRef>> ReplaceMap;
133 /// Cache of replaceable forward declarations (functions and
134 /// variables) to RAUW at the end of compilation.
135 std::vector<std::pair<const DeclaratorDecl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef>>
136 FwdDeclReplaceMap;
138 /// Keep track of our current nested lexical block.
139 std::vector<llvm::TypedTrackingMDRef<llvm::DIScope>> LexicalBlockStack;
140 llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> RegionMap;
141 /// Keep track of LexicalBlockStack counter at the beginning of a
142 /// function. This is used to pop unbalanced regions at the end of a
143 /// function.
144 std::vector<unsigned> FnBeginRegionCount;
146 /// This is a storage for names that are constructed on demand. For
147 /// example, C++ destructors, C++ operators etc..
148 llvm::BumpPtrAllocator DebugInfoNames;
149 StringRef CWDName;
151 llvm::DenseMap<const char *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> DIFileCache;
152 llvm::DenseMap<const FunctionDecl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> SPCache;
153 /// Cache declarations relevant to DW_TAG_imported_declarations (C++
154 /// using declarations and global alias variables) that aren't covered
155 /// by other more specific caches.
156 llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> DeclCache;
157 llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> ImportedDeclCache;
158 llvm::DenseMap<const NamespaceDecl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef> NamespaceCache;
159 llvm::DenseMap<const NamespaceAliasDecl *, llvm::TrackingMDRef>
160 NamespaceAliasCache;
161 llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, llvm::TypedTrackingMDRef<llvm::DIDerivedType>>
162 StaticDataMemberCache;
164 using ParamDecl2StmtTy = llvm::DenseMap<const ParmVarDecl *, const Stmt *>;
165 using Param2DILocTy =
166 llvm::DenseMap<const ParmVarDecl *, llvm::DILocalVariable *>;
168 /// The key is coroutine real parameters, value is coroutine move parameters.
169 ParamDecl2StmtTy CoroutineParameterMappings;
170 /// The key is coroutine real parameters, value is DIVariable in LLVM IR.
171 Param2DILocTy ParamDbgMappings;
173 /// Helper functions for getOrCreateType.
174 /// @{
175 /// Currently the checksum of an interface includes the number of
176 /// ivars and property accessors.
177 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const BuiltinType *Ty);
178 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ComplexType *Ty);
179 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const BitIntType *Ty);
180 llvm::DIType *CreateQualifiedType(QualType Ty, llvm::DIFile *Fg);
181 llvm::DIType *CreateQualifiedType(const FunctionProtoType *Ty,
182 llvm::DIFile *Fg);
183 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const TypedefType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *Fg);
184 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const TemplateSpecializationType *Ty,
185 llvm::DIFile *Fg);
186 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ObjCObjectPointerType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
187 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const PointerType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
188 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const BlockPointerType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
189 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const FunctionType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
190 /// Get structure or union type.
191 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const RecordType *Tyg);
193 /// Create definition for the specified 'Ty'.
194 ///
195 /// \returns A pair of 'llvm::DIType's. The first is the definition
196 /// of the 'Ty'. The second is the type specified by the preferred_name
197 /// attribute on 'Ty', which can be a nullptr if no such attribute
198 /// exists.
199 std::pair<llvm::DIType *, llvm::DIType *>
200 CreateTypeDefinition(const RecordType *Ty);
201 llvm::DICompositeType *CreateLimitedType(const RecordType *Ty);
202 void CollectContainingType(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
203 llvm::DICompositeType *CT);
204 /// Get Objective-C interface type.
205 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ObjCInterfaceType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
206 llvm::DIType *CreateTypeDefinition(const ObjCInterfaceType *Ty,
207 llvm::DIFile *F);
208 /// Get Objective-C object type.
209 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ObjCObjectType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
210 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ObjCTypeParamType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *Unit);
212 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const VectorType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
213 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ConstantMatrixType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
214 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const ArrayType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
215 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const LValueReferenceType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
216 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const RValueReferenceType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *Unit);
217 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const MemberPointerType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
218 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const AtomicType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
219 llvm::DIType *CreateType(const PipeType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *F);
220 /// Get enumeration type.
221 llvm::DIType *CreateEnumType(const EnumType *Ty);
222 llvm::DIType *CreateTypeDefinition(const EnumType *Ty);
223 /// Look up the completed type for a self pointer in the TypeCache and
224 /// create a copy of it with the ObjectPointer and Artificial flags
225 /// set. If the type is not cached, a new one is created. This should
226 /// never happen though, since creating a type for the implicit self
227 /// argument implies that we already parsed the interface definition
228 /// and the ivar declarations in the implementation.
229 llvm::DIType *CreateSelfType(const QualType &QualTy, llvm::DIType *Ty);
230 /// @}
232 /// Get the type from the cache or return null type if it doesn't
233 /// exist.
234 llvm::DIType *getTypeOrNull(const QualType);
235 /// Return the debug type for a C++ method.
236 /// \arg CXXMethodDecl is of FunctionType. This function type is
237 /// not updated to include implicit \c this pointer. Use this routine
238 /// to get a method type which includes \c this pointer.
239 llvm::DISubroutineType *getOrCreateMethodType(const CXXMethodDecl *Method,
240 llvm::DIFile *F);
241 llvm::DISubroutineType *
242 getOrCreateInstanceMethodType(QualType ThisPtr, const FunctionProtoType *Func,
243 llvm::DIFile *Unit);
244 llvm::DISubroutineType *
245 getOrCreateFunctionType(const Decl *D, QualType FnType, llvm::DIFile *F);
246 /// \return debug info descriptor for vtable.
247 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateVTablePtrType(llvm::DIFile *F);
249 /// \return namespace descriptor for the given namespace decl.
250 llvm::DINamespace *getOrCreateNamespace(const NamespaceDecl *N);
251 llvm::DIType *CreatePointerLikeType(llvm::dwarf::Tag Tag, const Type *Ty,
252 QualType PointeeTy, llvm::DIFile *F);
253 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateStructPtrType(StringRef Name, llvm::DIType *&Cache);
255 /// A helper function to create a subprogram for a single member
256 /// function GlobalDecl.
257 llvm::DISubprogram *CreateCXXMemberFunction(const CXXMethodDecl *Method,
258 llvm::DIFile *F,
259 llvm::DIType *RecordTy);
261 /// A helper function to collect debug info for C++ member
262 /// functions. This is used while creating debug info entry for a
263 /// Record.
264 void CollectCXXMemberFunctions(const CXXRecordDecl *Decl, llvm::DIFile *F,
265 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &E,
266 llvm::DIType *T);
268 /// A helper function to collect debug info for C++ base
269 /// classes. This is used while creating debug info entry for a
270 /// Record.
271 void CollectCXXBases(const CXXRecordDecl *Decl, llvm::DIFile *F,
272 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &EltTys,
273 llvm::DIType *RecordTy);
275 /// Helper function for CollectCXXBases.
276 /// Adds debug info entries for types in Bases that are not in SeenTypes.
277 void CollectCXXBasesAux(
278 const CXXRecordDecl *RD, llvm::DIFile *Unit,
279 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &EltTys, llvm::DIType *RecordTy,
280 const CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_range &Bases,
281 llvm::DenseSet<CanonicalDeclPtr<const CXXRecordDecl>> &SeenTypes,
282 llvm::DINode::DIFlags StartingFlags);
284 /// Helper function that returns the llvm::DIType that the
285 /// PreferredNameAttr attribute on \ref RD refers to. If no such
286 /// attribute exists, returns nullptr.
287 llvm::DIType *GetPreferredNameType(const CXXRecordDecl *RD,
288 llvm::DIFile *Unit);
290 struct TemplateArgs {
291 const TemplateParameterList *TList;
292 llvm::ArrayRef<TemplateArgument> Args;
293 };
294 /// A helper function to collect template parameters.
295 llvm::DINodeArray CollectTemplateParams(std::optional<TemplateArgs> Args,
296 llvm::DIFile *Unit);
297 /// A helper function to collect debug info for function template
298 /// parameters.
299 llvm::DINodeArray CollectFunctionTemplateParams(const FunctionDecl *FD,
300 llvm::DIFile *Unit);
302 /// A helper function to collect debug info for function template
303 /// parameters.
304 llvm::DINodeArray CollectVarTemplateParams(const VarDecl *VD,
305 llvm::DIFile *Unit);
307 std::optional<TemplateArgs> GetTemplateArgs(const VarDecl *) const;
308 std::optional<TemplateArgs> GetTemplateArgs(const RecordDecl *) const;
309 std::optional<TemplateArgs> GetTemplateArgs(const FunctionDecl *) const;
311 /// A helper function to collect debug info for template
312 /// parameters.
313 llvm::DINodeArray CollectCXXTemplateParams(const RecordDecl *TS,
314 llvm::DIFile *F);
316 /// A helper function to collect debug info for btf_decl_tag annotations.
317 llvm::DINodeArray CollectBTFDeclTagAnnotations(const Decl *D);
319 llvm::DIType *createFieldType(StringRef name, QualType type,
320 SourceLocation loc, AccessSpecifier AS,
321 uint64_t offsetInBits, uint32_t AlignInBits,
322 llvm::DIFile *tunit, llvm::DIScope *scope,
323 const RecordDecl *RD = nullptr,
324 llvm::DINodeArray Annotations = nullptr);
326 llvm::DIType *createFieldType(StringRef name, QualType type,
327 SourceLocation loc, AccessSpecifier AS,
328 uint64_t offsetInBits, llvm::DIFile *tunit,
329 llvm::DIScope *scope,
330 const RecordDecl *RD = nullptr) {
331 return createFieldType(name, type, loc, AS, offsetInBits, AlignInBits: 0, tunit, scope,
332 RD);
333 }
335 /// Create new bit field member.
336 llvm::DIDerivedType *createBitFieldType(const FieldDecl *BitFieldDecl,
337 llvm::DIScope *RecordTy,
338 const RecordDecl *RD);
340 /// Create type for binding declarations.
341 llvm::DIType *CreateBindingDeclType(const BindingDecl *BD);
343 /// Create an anonnymous zero-size separator for bit-field-decl if needed on
344 /// the target.
345 llvm::DIDerivedType *createBitFieldSeparatorIfNeeded(
346 const FieldDecl *BitFieldDecl, const llvm::DIDerivedType *BitFieldDI,
347 llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Metadata *> PreviousFieldsDI, const RecordDecl *RD);
349 /// Helpers for collecting fields of a record.
350 /// @{
351 void CollectRecordLambdaFields(const CXXRecordDecl *CXXDecl,
352 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &E,
353 llvm::DIType *RecordTy);
354 llvm::DIDerivedType *CreateRecordStaticField(const VarDecl *Var,
355 llvm::DIType *RecordTy,
356 const RecordDecl *RD);
357 void CollectRecordNormalField(const FieldDecl *Field, uint64_t OffsetInBits,
358 llvm::DIFile *F,
359 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &E,
360 llvm::DIType *RecordTy, const RecordDecl *RD);
361 void CollectRecordNestedType(const TypeDecl *RD,
362 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &E);
363 void CollectRecordFields(const RecordDecl *Decl, llvm::DIFile *F,
364 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &E,
365 llvm::DICompositeType *RecordTy);
367 /// If the C++ class has vtable info then insert appropriate debug
368 /// info entry in EltTys vector.
369 void CollectVTableInfo(const CXXRecordDecl *Decl, llvm::DIFile *F,
370 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &EltTys);
371 /// @}
373 /// Create a new lexical block node and push it on the stack.
374 void CreateLexicalBlock(SourceLocation Loc);
376 /// If target-specific LLVM \p AddressSpace directly maps to target-specific
377 /// DWARF address space, appends extended dereferencing mechanism to complex
378 /// expression \p Expr. Otherwise, does nothing.
379 ///
380 /// Extended dereferencing mechanism is has the following format:
381 /// DW_OP_constu <DWARF Address Space> DW_OP_swap DW_OP_xderef
382 void AppendAddressSpaceXDeref(unsigned AddressSpace,
383 SmallVectorImpl<uint64_t> &Expr) const;
385 /// A helper function to collect debug info for the default elements of a
386 /// block.
387 ///
388 /// \returns The next available field offset after the default elements.
389 uint64_t collectDefaultElementTypesForBlockPointer(
390 const BlockPointerType *Ty, llvm::DIFile *Unit,
391 llvm::DIDerivedType *DescTy, unsigned LineNo,
392 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &EltTys);
394 /// A helper function to collect debug info for the default fields of a
395 /// block.
396 void collectDefaultFieldsForBlockLiteralDeclare(
397 const CGBlockInfo &Block, const ASTContext &Context, SourceLocation Loc,
398 const llvm::StructLayout &BlockLayout, llvm::DIFile *Unit,
399 SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Metadata *> &Fields);
402 CGDebugInfo(CodeGenModule &CGM);
403 ~CGDebugInfo();
405 void finalize();
407 /// Remap a given path with the current debug prefix map
408 std::string remapDIPath(StringRef) const;
410 /// Register VLA size expression debug node with the qualified type.
411 void registerVLASizeExpression(QualType Ty, llvm::Metadata *SizeExpr) {
412 SizeExprCache[Ty] = SizeExpr;
413 }
415 /// Module debugging: Support for building PCMs.
416 /// @{
417 /// Set the main CU's DwoId field to \p Signature.
418 void setDwoId(uint64_t Signature);
420 /// When generating debug information for a clang module or
421 /// precompiled header, this module map will be used to determine
422 /// the module of origin of each Decl.
423 void setModuleMap(ModuleMap &MMap) { ClangModuleMap = &MMap; }
425 /// When generating debug information for a clang module or
426 /// precompiled header, this module map will be used to determine
427 /// the module of origin of each Decl.
428 void setPCHDescriptor(ASTSourceDescriptor PCH) { PCHDescriptor = PCH; }
429 /// @}
431 /// Update the current source location. If \arg loc is invalid it is
432 /// ignored.
433 void setLocation(SourceLocation Loc);
435 /// Return the current source location. This does not necessarily correspond
436 /// to the IRBuilder's current DebugLoc.
437 SourceLocation getLocation() const { return CurLoc; }
439 /// Update the current inline scope. All subsequent calls to \p EmitLocation
440 /// will create a location with this inlinedAt field.
441 void setInlinedAt(llvm::MDNode *InlinedAt) { CurInlinedAt = InlinedAt; }
443 /// \return the current inline scope.
444 llvm::MDNode *getInlinedAt() const { return CurInlinedAt; }
446 // Converts a SourceLocation to a DebugLoc
447 llvm::DebugLoc SourceLocToDebugLoc(SourceLocation Loc);
449 /// Emit metadata to indicate a change in line/column information in
450 /// the source file. If the location is invalid, the previous
451 /// location will be reused.
452 void EmitLocation(CGBuilderTy &Builder, SourceLocation Loc);
454 QualType getFunctionType(const FunctionDecl *FD, QualType RetTy,
455 const SmallVectorImpl<const VarDecl *> &Args);
457 /// Emit a call to llvm.dbg.function.start to indicate
458 /// start of a new function.
459 /// \param Loc The location of the function header.
460 /// \param ScopeLoc The location of the function body.
461 void emitFunctionStart(GlobalDecl GD, SourceLocation Loc,
462 SourceLocation ScopeLoc, QualType FnType,
463 llvm::Function *Fn, bool CurFnIsThunk);
465 /// Start a new scope for an inlined function.
466 void EmitInlineFunctionStart(CGBuilderTy &Builder, GlobalDecl GD);
467 /// End an inlined function scope.
468 void EmitInlineFunctionEnd(CGBuilderTy &Builder);
470 /// Emit debug info for a function declaration.
471 /// \p Fn is set only when a declaration for a debug call site gets created.
472 void EmitFunctionDecl(GlobalDecl GD, SourceLocation Loc,
473 QualType FnType, llvm::Function *Fn = nullptr);
475 /// Emit debug info for an extern function being called.
476 /// This is needed for call site debug info.
477 void EmitFuncDeclForCallSite(llvm::CallBase *CallOrInvoke,
478 QualType CalleeType,
479 const FunctionDecl *CalleeDecl);
481 /// Constructs the debug code for exiting a function.
482 void EmitFunctionEnd(CGBuilderTy &Builder, llvm::Function *Fn);
484 /// Emit metadata to indicate the beginning of a new lexical block
485 /// and push the block onto the stack.
486 void EmitLexicalBlockStart(CGBuilderTy &Builder, SourceLocation Loc);
488 /// Emit metadata to indicate the end of a new lexical block and pop
489 /// the current block.
490 void EmitLexicalBlockEnd(CGBuilderTy &Builder, SourceLocation Loc);
492 /// Emit call to \c llvm.dbg.declare for an automatic variable
493 /// declaration.
494 /// Returns a pointer to the DILocalVariable associated with the
495 /// llvm.dbg.declare, or nullptr otherwise.
496 llvm::DILocalVariable *
497 EmitDeclareOfAutoVariable(const VarDecl *Decl, llvm::Value *AI,
498 CGBuilderTy &Builder,
499 const bool UsePointerValue = false);
501 /// Emit call to \c llvm.dbg.label for an label.
502 void EmitLabel(const LabelDecl *D, CGBuilderTy &Builder);
504 /// Emit call to \c llvm.dbg.declare for an imported variable
505 /// declaration in a block.
506 void EmitDeclareOfBlockDeclRefVariable(
507 const VarDecl *variable, llvm::Value *storage, CGBuilderTy &Builder,
508 const CGBlockInfo &blockInfo, llvm::Instruction *InsertPoint = nullptr);
510 /// Emit call to \c llvm.dbg.declare for an argument variable
511 /// declaration.
512 llvm::DILocalVariable *
513 EmitDeclareOfArgVariable(const VarDecl *Decl, llvm::Value *AI, unsigned ArgNo,
514 CGBuilderTy &Builder, bool UsePointerValue = false);
516 /// Emit call to \c llvm.dbg.declare for the block-literal argument
517 /// to a block invocation function.
518 void EmitDeclareOfBlockLiteralArgVariable(const CGBlockInfo &block,
519 StringRef Name, unsigned ArgNo,
520 llvm::AllocaInst *LocalAddr,
521 CGBuilderTy &Builder);
523 /// Emit information about a global variable.
524 void EmitGlobalVariable(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV, const VarDecl *Decl);
526 /// Emit a constant global variable's debug info.
527 void EmitGlobalVariable(const ValueDecl *VD, const APValue &Init);
529 /// Emit information about an external variable.
530 void EmitExternalVariable(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV, const VarDecl *Decl);
532 /// Emit information about global variable alias.
533 void EmitGlobalAlias(const llvm::GlobalValue *GV, const GlobalDecl Decl);
535 /// Emit C++ using directive.
536 void EmitUsingDirective(const UsingDirectiveDecl &UD);
538 /// Emit the type explicitly casted to.
539 void EmitExplicitCastType(QualType Ty);
541 /// Emit the type even if it might not be used.
542 void EmitAndRetainType(QualType Ty);
544 /// Emit a shadow decl brought in by a using or using-enum
545 void EmitUsingShadowDecl(const UsingShadowDecl &USD);
547 /// Emit C++ using declaration.
548 void EmitUsingDecl(const UsingDecl &UD);
550 /// Emit C++ using-enum declaration.
551 void EmitUsingEnumDecl(const UsingEnumDecl &UD);
553 /// Emit an @import declaration.
554 void EmitImportDecl(const ImportDecl &ID);
556 /// DebugInfo isn't attached to string literals by default. While certain
557 /// aspects of debuginfo aren't useful for string literals (like a name), it's
558 /// nice to be able to symbolize the line and column information. This is
559 /// especially useful for sanitizers, as it allows symbolization of
560 /// heap-buffer-overflows on constant strings.
561 void AddStringLiteralDebugInfo(llvm::GlobalVariable *GV,
562 const StringLiteral *S);
564 /// Emit C++ namespace alias.
565 llvm::DIImportedEntity *EmitNamespaceAlias(const NamespaceAliasDecl &NA);
567 /// Emit record type's standalone debug info.
568 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateRecordType(QualType Ty, SourceLocation L);
570 /// Emit an Objective-C interface type standalone debug info.
571 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateInterfaceType(QualType Ty, SourceLocation Loc);
573 /// Emit standalone debug info for a type.
574 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateStandaloneType(QualType Ty, SourceLocation Loc);
576 /// Add heapallocsite metadata for MSAllocator calls.
577 void addHeapAllocSiteMetadata(llvm::CallBase *CallSite, QualType AllocatedTy,
578 SourceLocation Loc);
580 void completeType(const EnumDecl *ED);
581 void completeType(const RecordDecl *RD);
582 void completeRequiredType(const RecordDecl *RD);
583 void completeClassData(const RecordDecl *RD);
584 void completeClass(const RecordDecl *RD);
586 void completeTemplateDefinition(const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl &SD);
587 void completeUnusedClass(const CXXRecordDecl &D);
589 /// Create debug info for a macro defined by a #define directive or a macro
590 /// undefined by a #undef directive.
591 llvm::DIMacro *CreateMacro(llvm::DIMacroFile *Parent, unsigned MType,
592 SourceLocation LineLoc, StringRef Name,
593 StringRef Value);
595 /// Create debug info for a file referenced by an #include directive.
596 llvm::DIMacroFile *CreateTempMacroFile(llvm::DIMacroFile *Parent,
597 SourceLocation LineLoc,
598 SourceLocation FileLoc);
600 Param2DILocTy &getParamDbgMappings() { return ParamDbgMappings; }
601 ParamDecl2StmtTy &getCoroutineParameterMappings() {
602 return CoroutineParameterMappings;
603 }
606 /// Emit call to llvm.dbg.declare for a variable declaration.
607 /// Returns a pointer to the DILocalVariable associated with the
608 /// llvm.dbg.declare, or nullptr otherwise.
609 llvm::DILocalVariable *EmitDeclare(const VarDecl *decl, llvm::Value *AI,
610 std::optional<unsigned> ArgNo,
611 CGBuilderTy &Builder,
612 const bool UsePointerValue = false);
614 /// Emit call to llvm.dbg.declare for a binding declaration.
615 /// Returns a pointer to the DILocalVariable associated with the
616 /// llvm.dbg.declare, or nullptr otherwise.
617 llvm::DILocalVariable *EmitDeclare(const BindingDecl *decl, llvm::Value *AI,
618 std::optional<unsigned> ArgNo,
619 CGBuilderTy &Builder,
620 const bool UsePointerValue = false);
622 struct BlockByRefType {
623 /// The wrapper struct used inside the __block_literal struct.
624 llvm::DIType *BlockByRefWrapper;
625 /// The type as it appears in the source code.
626 llvm::DIType *WrappedType;
627 };
629 std::string GetName(const Decl*, bool Qualified = false) const;
631 /// Build up structure info for the byref. See \a BuildByRefType.
632 BlockByRefType EmitTypeForVarWithBlocksAttr(const VarDecl *VD,
633 uint64_t *OffSet);
635 /// Get context info for the DeclContext of \p Decl.
636 llvm::DIScope *getDeclContextDescriptor(const Decl *D);
637 /// Get context info for a given DeclContext \p Decl.
638 llvm::DIScope *getContextDescriptor(const Decl *Context,
639 llvm::DIScope *Default);
641 llvm::DIScope *getCurrentContextDescriptor(const Decl *Decl);
643 /// Create a forward decl for a RecordType in a given context.
644 llvm::DICompositeType *getOrCreateRecordFwdDecl(const RecordType *,
645 llvm::DIScope *);
647 /// Return current directory name.
648 StringRef getCurrentDirname();
650 /// Create new compile unit.
651 void CreateCompileUnit();
653 /// Compute the file checksum debug info for input file ID.
654 std::optional<llvm::DIFile::ChecksumKind>
655 computeChecksum(FileID FID, SmallString<64> &Checksum) const;
657 /// Get the source of the given file ID.
658 std::optional<StringRef> getSource(const SourceManager &SM, FileID FID);
660 /// Convenience function to get the file debug info descriptor for the input
661 /// location.
662 llvm::DIFile *getOrCreateFile(SourceLocation Loc);
664 /// Create a file debug info descriptor for a source file.
665 llvm::DIFile *
666 createFile(StringRef FileName,
667 std::optional<llvm::DIFile::ChecksumInfo<StringRef>> CSInfo,
668 std::optional<StringRef> Source);
670 /// Get the type from the cache or create a new type if necessary.
671 llvm::DIType *getOrCreateType(QualType Ty, llvm::DIFile *Fg);
673 /// Get a reference to a clang module. If \p CreateSkeletonCU is true,
674 /// this also creates a split dwarf skeleton compile unit.
675 llvm::DIModule *getOrCreateModuleRef(ASTSourceDescriptor Mod,
676 bool CreateSkeletonCU);
678 /// DebugTypeExtRefs: If \p D originated in a clang module, return it.
679 llvm::DIModule *getParentModuleOrNull(const Decl *D);
681 /// Get the type from the cache or create a new partial type if
682 /// necessary.
683 llvm::DICompositeType *getOrCreateLimitedType(const RecordType *Ty);
685 /// Create type metadata for a source language type.
686 llvm::DIType *CreateTypeNode(QualType Ty, llvm::DIFile *Fg);
688 /// Create new member and increase Offset by FType's size.
689 llvm::DIType *CreateMemberType(llvm::DIFile *Unit, QualType FType,
690 StringRef Name, uint64_t *Offset);
692 /// Retrieve the DIDescriptor, if any, for the canonical form of this
693 /// declaration.
694 llvm::DINode *getDeclarationOrDefinition(const Decl *D);
696 /// \return debug info descriptor to describe method
697 /// declaration for the given method definition.
698 llvm::DISubprogram *getFunctionDeclaration(const Decl *D);
700 /// \return debug info descriptor to the describe method declaration
701 /// for the given method definition.
702 /// \param FnType For Objective-C methods, their type.
703 /// \param LineNo The declaration's line number.
704 /// \param Flags The DIFlags for the method declaration.
705 /// \param SPFlags The subprogram-spcific flags for the method declaration.
706 llvm::DISubprogram *
707 getObjCMethodDeclaration(const Decl *D, llvm::DISubroutineType *FnType,
708 unsigned LineNo, llvm::DINode::DIFlags Flags,
709 llvm::DISubprogram::DISPFlags SPFlags);
711 /// \return debug info descriptor to describe in-class static data
712 /// member declaration for the given out-of-class definition. If D
713 /// is an out-of-class definition of a static data member of a
714 /// class, find its corresponding in-class declaration.
715 llvm::DIDerivedType *
716 getOrCreateStaticDataMemberDeclarationOrNull(const VarDecl *D);
718 /// Helper that either creates a forward declaration or a stub.
719 llvm::DISubprogram *getFunctionFwdDeclOrStub(GlobalDecl GD, bool Stub);
721 /// Create a subprogram describing the forward declaration
722 /// represented in the given FunctionDecl wrapped in a GlobalDecl.
723 llvm::DISubprogram *getFunctionForwardDeclaration(GlobalDecl GD);
725 /// Create a DISubprogram describing the function
726 /// represented in the given FunctionDecl wrapped in a GlobalDecl.
727 llvm::DISubprogram *getFunctionStub(GlobalDecl GD);
729 /// Create a global variable describing the forward declaration
730 /// represented in the given VarDecl.
731 llvm::DIGlobalVariable *
732 getGlobalVariableForwardDeclaration(const VarDecl *VD);
734 /// Return a global variable that represents one of the collection of global
735 /// variables created for an anonmyous union.
736 ///
737 /// Recursively collect all of the member fields of a global
738 /// anonymous decl and create static variables for them. The first
739 /// time this is called it needs to be on a union and then from
740 /// there we can have additional unnamed fields.
741 llvm::DIGlobalVariableExpression *
742 CollectAnonRecordDecls(const RecordDecl *RD, llvm::DIFile *Unit,
743 unsigned LineNo, StringRef LinkageName,
744 llvm::GlobalVariable *Var, llvm::DIScope *DContext);
747 /// Return flags which enable debug info emission for call sites, provided
748 /// that it is supported and enabled.
749 llvm::DINode::DIFlags getCallSiteRelatedAttrs() const;
751 /// Get the printing policy for producing names for debug info.
752 PrintingPolicy getPrintingPolicy() const;
754 /// Get function name for the given FunctionDecl. If the name is
755 /// constructed on demand (e.g., C++ destructor) then the name is
756 /// stored on the side.
757 StringRef getFunctionName(const FunctionDecl *FD);
759 /// Returns the unmangled name of an Objective-C method.
760 /// This is the display name for the debugging info.
761 StringRef getObjCMethodName(const ObjCMethodDecl *FD);
763 /// Return selector name. This is used for debugging
764 /// info.
765 StringRef getSelectorName(Selector S);
767 /// Get class name including template argument list.
768 StringRef getClassName(const RecordDecl *RD);
770 /// Get the vtable name for the given class.
771 StringRef getVTableName(const CXXRecordDecl *Decl);
773 /// Get the name to use in the debug info for a dynamic initializer or atexit
774 /// stub function.
775 StringRef getDynamicInitializerName(const VarDecl *VD,
776 DynamicInitKind StubKind,
777 llvm::Function *InitFn);
779 /// Get line number for the location. If location is invalid
780 /// then use current location.
781 unsigned getLineNumber(SourceLocation Loc);
783 /// Get column number for the location. If location is
784 /// invalid then use current location.
785 /// \param Force Assume DebugColumnInfo option is true.
786 unsigned getColumnNumber(SourceLocation Loc, bool Force = false);
788 /// Collect various properties of a FunctionDecl.
789 /// \param GD A GlobalDecl whose getDecl() must return a FunctionDecl.
790 void collectFunctionDeclProps(GlobalDecl GD, llvm::DIFile *Unit,
791 StringRef &Name, StringRef &LinkageName,
792 llvm::DIScope *&FDContext,
793 llvm::DINodeArray &TParamsArray,
794 llvm::DINode::DIFlags &Flags);
796 /// Collect various properties of a VarDecl.
797 void collectVarDeclProps(const VarDecl *VD, llvm::DIFile *&Unit,
798 unsigned &LineNo, QualType &T, StringRef &Name,
799 StringRef &LinkageName,
800 llvm::MDTuple *&TemplateParameters,
801 llvm::DIScope *&VDContext);
803 /// Create a DIExpression representing the constant corresponding
804 /// to the specified 'Val'. Returns nullptr on failure.
805 llvm::DIExpression *createConstantValueExpression(const clang::ValueDecl *VD,
806 const APValue &Val);
808 /// Allocate a copy of \p A using the DebugInfoNames allocator
809 /// and return a reference to it. If multiple arguments are given the strings
810 /// are concatenated.
811 StringRef internString(StringRef A, StringRef B = StringRef()) {
812 char *Data = DebugInfoNames.Allocate<char>(Num: A.size() + B.size());
813 if (!A.empty())
814 std::memcpy(dest: Data, src: A.data(), n: A.size());
815 if (!B.empty())
816 std::memcpy(dest: Data + A.size(), src: B.data(), n: B.size());
817 return StringRef(Data, A.size() + B.size());
818 }
821/// A scoped helper to set the current debug location to the specified
822/// location or preferred location of the specified Expr.
823class ApplyDebugLocation {
825 void init(SourceLocation TemporaryLocation, bool DefaultToEmpty = false);
826 ApplyDebugLocation(CodeGenFunction &CGF, bool DefaultToEmpty,
827 SourceLocation TemporaryLocation);
829 llvm::DebugLoc OriginalLocation;
830 CodeGenFunction *CGF;
833 /// Set the location to the (valid) TemporaryLocation.
834 ApplyDebugLocation(CodeGenFunction &CGF, SourceLocation TemporaryLocation);
835 ApplyDebugLocation(CodeGenFunction &CGF, const Expr *E);
836 ApplyDebugLocation(CodeGenFunction &CGF, llvm::DebugLoc Loc);
837 ApplyDebugLocation(ApplyDebugLocation &&Other) : CGF(Other.CGF) {
838 Other.CGF = nullptr;
839 }
841 // Define copy assignment operator.
842 ApplyDebugLocation &operator=(ApplyDebugLocation &&Other) {
843 if (this != &Other) {
844 CGF = Other.CGF;
845 Other.CGF = nullptr;
846 }
847 return *this;
848 }
850 ~ApplyDebugLocation();
852 /// Apply TemporaryLocation if it is valid. Otherwise switch
853 /// to an artificial debug location that has a valid scope, but no
854 /// line information.
855 ///
856 /// Artificial locations are useful when emitting compiler-generated
857 /// helper functions that have no source location associated with
858 /// them. The DWARF specification allows the compiler to use the
859 /// special line number 0 to indicate code that can not be
860 /// attributed to any source location. Note that passing an empty
861 /// SourceLocation to CGDebugInfo::setLocation() will result in the
862 /// last valid location being reused.
863 static ApplyDebugLocation CreateArtificial(CodeGenFunction &CGF) {
864 return ApplyDebugLocation(CGF, false, SourceLocation());
865 }
866 /// Apply TemporaryLocation if it is valid. Otherwise switch
867 /// to an artificial debug location that has a valid scope, but no
868 /// line information.
869 static ApplyDebugLocation
870 CreateDefaultArtificial(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
871 SourceLocation TemporaryLocation) {
872 return ApplyDebugLocation(CGF, false, TemporaryLocation);
873 }
875 /// Set the IRBuilder to not attach debug locations. Note that
876 /// passing an empty SourceLocation to \a CGDebugInfo::setLocation()
877 /// will result in the last valid location being reused. Note that
878 /// all instructions that do not have a location at the beginning of
879 /// a function are counted towards to function prologue.
880 static ApplyDebugLocation CreateEmpty(CodeGenFunction &CGF) {
881 return ApplyDebugLocation(CGF, true, SourceLocation());
882 }
885/// A scoped helper to set the current debug location to an inlined location.
886class ApplyInlineDebugLocation {
887 SourceLocation SavedLocation;
888 CodeGenFunction *CGF;
891 /// Set up the CodeGenFunction's DebugInfo to produce inline locations for the
892 /// function \p InlinedFn. The current debug location becomes the inlined call
893 /// site of the inlined function.
894 ApplyInlineDebugLocation(CodeGenFunction &CGF, GlobalDecl InlinedFn);
895 /// Restore everything back to the original state.
896 ~ApplyInlineDebugLocation();
899} // namespace CodeGen
900} // namespace clang

source code of clang/lib/CodeGen/CGDebugInfo.h