1//===-- StackFrame.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
12#include <memory>
13#include <mutex>
15#include "lldb/Utility/Flags.h"
17#include "lldb/Core/FormatEntity.h"
18#include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectList.h"
19#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
20#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h"
21#include "lldb/Target/StackID.h"
22#include "lldb/Utility/Scalar.h"
23#include "lldb/Utility/Status.h"
24#include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
25#include "lldb/Utility/UserID.h"
27namespace lldb_private {
29/// \class StackFrame StackFrame.h "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
31/// This base class provides an interface to stack frames.
33/// StackFrames may have a Canonical Frame Address (CFA) or not.
34/// A frame may have a plain pc value or it may indicate a specific point in
35/// the debug session so the correct section load list is used for
36/// symbolication.
38/// Local variables may be available, or not. A register context may be
39/// available, or not.
41class StackFrame : public ExecutionContextScope,
42 public std::enable_shared_from_this<StackFrame> {
44 enum ExpressionPathOption {
45 eExpressionPathOptionCheckPtrVsMember = (1u << 0),
46 eExpressionPathOptionsNoFragileObjcIvar = (1u << 1),
47 eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticChildren = (1u << 2),
48 eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticArrayRange = (1u << 3),
49 eExpressionPathOptionsAllowDirectIVarAccess = (1u << 4),
50 eExpressionPathOptionsInspectAnonymousUnions = (1u << 5)
51 };
53 enum class Kind {
54 /// A regular stack frame with access to registers and local variables.
55 Regular,
57 /// A historical stack frame -- possibly without CFA or registers or
58 /// local variables.
59 History,
61 /// An artificial stack frame (e.g. a synthesized result of inferring
62 /// missing tail call frames from a backtrace) with limited support for
63 /// local variables.
64 Artificial
65 };
67 /// Construct a StackFrame object without supplying a RegisterContextSP.
68 ///
69 /// This is the one constructor that doesn't take a RegisterContext
70 /// parameter. This ctor may be called when creating a history StackFrame;
71 /// these are used if we've collected a stack trace of pc addresses at some
72 /// point in the past. We may only have pc values. We may have a CFA,
73 /// or more likely, we won't.
74 ///
75 /// \param [in] thread_sp
76 /// The Thread that this frame belongs to.
77 ///
78 /// \param [in] frame_idx
79 /// This StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread. If inlined stack
80 /// frames are being created, this may differ from the concrete_frame_idx
81 /// which is the frame index without any inlined stack frames.
82 ///
83 /// \param [in] concrete_frame_idx
84 /// The StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread without any inlined
85 /// stack frames being included in the index.
86 ///
87 /// \param [in] cfa
88 /// The Canonical Frame Address (this terminology from DWARF) for this
89 /// stack frame. The CFA for a stack frame does not change over the
90 /// span of the stack frame's existence. It is often the value of the
91 /// caller's stack pointer before the call instruction into this frame's
92 /// function. It is usually not the same as the frame pointer register's
93 /// value.
94 ///
95 /// \param [in] cfa_is_valid
96 /// A history stack frame may not have a CFA value collected. We want to
97 /// distinguish between "no CFA available" and a CFA of
99 ///
100 /// \param [in] pc
101 /// The current pc value of this stack frame.
102 ///
103 /// \param [in] sc_ptr
104 /// Optionally seed the StackFrame with the SymbolContext information that
105 /// has
106 /// already been discovered.
107 StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
108 lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx, lldb::addr_t cfa,
109 bool cfa_is_valid, lldb::addr_t pc, Kind frame_kind,
110 bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame, const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
112 StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
113 lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
114 const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, lldb::addr_t cfa,
115 lldb::addr_t pc, bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame,
116 const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
118 StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
119 lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
120 const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, lldb::addr_t cfa,
121 const Address &pc, bool behaves_like_zeroth_frame,
122 const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
124 ~StackFrame() override;
126 lldb::ThreadSP GetThread() const { return m_thread_wp.lock(); }
128 StackID &GetStackID();
130 /// Get an Address for the current pc value in this StackFrame.
131 ///
132 /// May not be the same as the actual PC value for inlined stack frames.
133 ///
134 /// \return
135 /// The Address object set to the current PC value.
136 const Address &GetFrameCodeAddress();
138 /// Get the current code Address suitable for symbolication,
139 /// may not be the same as GetFrameCodeAddress().
140 ///
141 /// For a frame in the middle of the stack, the return-pc is the
142 /// current code address, but for symbolication purposes the
143 /// return address after a noreturn call may point to the next
144 /// function, a DWARF location list entry that is a completely
145 /// different code path, or the wrong source line.
146 ///
147 /// The address returned should be used for symbolication (source line,
148 /// block, function, DWARF location entry selection) but should NOT
149 /// be shown to the user. It may not point to an actual instruction
150 /// boundary.
151 ///
152 /// \return
153 /// The Address object set to the current PC value.
154 Address GetFrameCodeAddressForSymbolication();
156 /// Change the pc value for a given thread.
157 ///
158 /// Change the current pc value for the frame on this thread.
159 ///
160 /// \param[in] pc
161 /// The load address that the pc will be set to.
162 ///
163 /// \return
164 /// true if the pc was changed. false if this failed -- possibly
165 /// because this frame is not a live StackFrame.
166 bool ChangePC(lldb::addr_t pc);
168 /// Provide a SymbolContext for this StackFrame's current pc value.
169 ///
170 /// The StackFrame maintains this SymbolContext and adds additional
171 /// information to it on an as-needed basis. This helps to avoid different
172 /// functions looking up symbolic information for a given pc value multiple
173 /// times.
174 ///
175 /// \param [in] resolve_scope
176 /// Flags from the SymbolContextItem enumerated type which specify what
177 /// type of symbol context is needed by this caller.
178 ///
179 /// \return
180 /// A SymbolContext reference which includes the types of information
181 /// requested by resolve_scope, if they are available.
182 const SymbolContext &GetSymbolContext(lldb::SymbolContextItem resolve_scope);
184 /// Return the Canonical Frame Address (DWARF term) for this frame.
185 ///
186 /// The CFA is typically the value of the stack pointer register before the
187 /// call invocation is made. It will not change during the lifetime of a
188 /// stack frame. It is often not the same thing as the frame pointer
189 /// register value.
190 ///
191 /// Live StackFrames will always have a CFA but other types of frames may
192 /// not be able to supply one.
193 ///
194 /// \param [out] value
195 /// The address of the CFA for this frame, if available.
196 ///
197 /// \param [out] error_ptr
198 /// If there is an error determining the CFA address, this may contain a
199 /// string explaining the failure.
200 ///
201 /// \return
202 /// Returns true if the CFA value was successfully set in value. Some
203 /// frames may be unable to provide this value; they will return false.
204 bool GetFrameBaseValue(Scalar &value, Status *error_ptr);
206 /// Get the DWARFExpressionList corresponding to the Canonical Frame Address.
207 ///
208 /// Often a register (bp), but sometimes a register + offset.
209 ///
210 /// \param [out] error_ptr
211 /// If there is an error determining the CFA address, this may contain a
212 /// string explaining the failure.
213 ///
214 /// \return
215 /// Returns the corresponding DWARF expression, or NULL.
216 DWARFExpressionList *GetFrameBaseExpression(Status *error_ptr);
218 /// Get the current lexical scope block for this StackFrame, if possible.
219 ///
220 /// If debug information is available for this stack frame, return a pointer
221 /// to the innermost lexical Block that the frame is currently executing.
222 ///
223 /// \return
224 /// A pointer to the current Block. nullptr is returned if this can
225 /// not be provided.
226 Block *GetFrameBlock();
228 /// Get the RegisterContext for this frame, if possible.
229 ///
230 /// Returns a shared pointer to the RegisterContext for this stack frame.
231 /// Only a live StackFrame object will be able to return a RegisterContext -
232 /// callers must be prepared for an empty shared pointer being returned.
233 ///
234 /// Even a live StackFrame RegisterContext may not be able to provide all
235 /// registers. Only the currently executing frame (frame 0) can reliably
236 /// provide every register in the register context.
237 ///
238 /// \return
239 /// The RegisterContext shared point for this frame.
240 lldb::RegisterContextSP GetRegisterContext();
242 const lldb::RegisterContextSP &GetRegisterContextSP() const {
243 return m_reg_context_sp;
244 }
246 /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's
247 /// pc.
248 ///
249 /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableList for a given
250 /// pc value even though variables would be available at this point if it
251 /// were a live stack frame.
252 ///
253 /// \param[in] get_file_globals
254 /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
255 /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
256 /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
257 ///
258 /// \param [out] error_ptr
259 /// If there is an error in the debug information that prevents variables
260 /// from being fetched. \see SymbolFile::GetFrameVariableError() for full
261 /// details.
262 ///
263 /// \return
264 /// A pointer to a list of variables.
265 VariableList *GetVariableList(bool get_file_globals, Status *error_ptr);
267 /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's
268 /// pc.
269 ///
270 /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableListSP for a
271 /// given pc value even though variables would be available at this point if
272 /// it were a live stack frame.
273 ///
274 /// \param[in] get_file_globals
275 /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
276 /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
277 /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
278 ///
279 /// \return
280 /// A pointer to a list of variables.
281 lldb::VariableListSP
282 GetInScopeVariableList(bool get_file_globals,
283 bool must_have_valid_location = false);
285 /// Create a ValueObject for a variable name / pathname, possibly including
286 /// simple dereference/child selection syntax.
287 ///
288 /// \param[in] var_expr
289 /// The string specifying a variable to base the VariableObject off
290 /// of.
291 ///
292 /// \param[in] use_dynamic
293 /// Whether the correct dynamic type of an object pointer should be
294 /// determined before creating the object, or if the static type is
295 /// sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
296 ///
297 /// \param[in] options
298 /// An unsigned integer of flags, values from
299 /// StackFrame::ExpressionPathOption
300 /// enum.
301 /// \param[in] var_sp
302 /// A VariableSP that will be set to the variable described in the
303 /// var_expr path.
304 ///
305 /// \param[in] error
306 /// Record any errors encountered while evaluating var_expr.
307 ///
308 /// \return
309 /// A shared pointer to the ValueObject described by var_expr.
310 lldb::ValueObjectSP GetValueForVariableExpressionPath(
311 llvm::StringRef var_expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
312 uint32_t options, lldb::VariableSP &var_sp, Status &error);
314 /// Determine whether this StackFrame has debug information available or not.
315 ///
316 /// \return
317 /// true if debug information is available for this frame (function,
318 /// compilation unit, block, etc.)
319 bool HasDebugInformation();
321 /// Return the disassembly for the instructions of this StackFrame's
322 /// function as a single C string.
323 ///
324 /// \return
325 /// C string with the assembly instructions for this function.
326 const char *Disassemble();
328 /// Print a description of this frame using the provided frame format.
329 ///
330 /// \param[out] strm
331 /// The Stream to print the description to.
332 ///
333 /// \param[in] frame_marker
334 /// Optional string that will be prepended to the frame output description.
335 ///
336 /// \return
337 /// \b true if and only if dumping with the given \p format worked.
338 bool DumpUsingFormat(Stream &strm,
339 const lldb_private::FormatEntity::Entry *format,
340 llvm::StringRef frame_marker = {});
342 /// Print a description for this frame using the frame-format formatter
343 /// settings. If the current frame-format settings are invalid, then the
344 /// default formatter will be used (see \a StackFrame::Dump()).
345 ///
346 /// \param [in] strm
347 /// The Stream to print the description to.
348 ///
349 /// \param [in] show_unique
350 /// Whether to print the function arguments or not for backtrace unique.
351 ///
352 /// \param [in] frame_marker
353 /// Optional string that will be prepended to the frame output description.
354 void DumpUsingSettingsFormat(Stream *strm, bool show_unique = false,
355 const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
357 /// Print a description for this frame using a default format.
358 ///
359 /// \param [in] strm
360 /// The Stream to print the description to.
361 ///
362 /// \param [in] show_frame_index
363 /// Whether to print the frame number or not.
364 ///
365 /// \param [in] show_fullpaths
366 /// Whether to print the full source paths or just the file base name.
367 void Dump(Stream *strm, bool show_frame_index, bool show_fullpaths);
369 /// Print a description of this stack frame and/or the source
370 /// context/assembly for this stack frame.
371 ///
372 /// \param[in] strm
373 /// The Stream to send the output to.
374 ///
375 /// \param[in] show_frame_info
376 /// If true, print the frame info by calling DumpUsingSettingsFormat().
377 ///
378 /// \param[in] show_source
379 /// If true, print source or disassembly as per the user's settings.
380 ///
381 /// \param[in] show_unique
382 /// If true, print using backtrace unique style, without function
383 /// arguments as per the user's settings.
384 ///
385 /// \param[in] frame_marker
386 /// Passed to DumpUsingSettingsFormat() for the frame info printing.
387 ///
388 /// \return
389 /// Returns true if successful.
390 bool GetStatus(Stream &strm, bool show_frame_info, bool show_source,
391 bool show_unique = false, const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
393 /// Query whether this frame is a concrete frame on the call stack, or if it
394 /// is an inlined frame derived from the debug information and presented by
395 /// the debugger.
396 ///
397 /// \return
398 /// true if this is an inlined frame.
399 bool IsInlined();
401 /// Query whether this frame is part of a historical backtrace.
402 bool IsHistorical() const;
404 /// Query whether this frame is artificial (e.g a synthesized result of
405 /// inferring missing tail call frames from a backtrace). Artificial frames
406 /// may have limited support for inspecting variables.
407 bool IsArtificial() const;
409 /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's
410 /// StackFrameList.
411 ///
412 /// \return
413 /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
414 /// frames are included in this frame index count.
415 uint32_t GetFrameIndex() const;
417 /// Set this frame's synthetic frame index.
418 void SetFrameIndex(uint32_t index) { m_frame_index = index; }
420 /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's
421 /// StackFrameList, not counting inlined frames.
422 ///
423 /// \return
424 /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
425 /// frames are not included in this frame index count; their concrete
426 /// frame index will be the same as the concrete frame that they are
427 /// derived from.
428 uint32_t GetConcreteFrameIndex() const { return m_concrete_frame_index; }
430 /// Create a ValueObject for a given Variable in this StackFrame.
431 ///
432 /// \param [in] variable_sp
433 /// The Variable to base this ValueObject on
434 ///
435 /// \param [in] use_dynamic
436 /// Whether the correct dynamic type of the variable should be
437 /// determined before creating the ValueObject, or if the static type
438 /// is sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
439 ///
440 /// \return
441 /// A ValueObject for this variable.
442 lldb::ValueObjectSP
443 GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(const lldb::VariableSP &variable_sp,
444 lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
446 /// Query this frame to determine what the default language should be when
447 /// parsing expressions given the execution context.
448 ///
449 /// \return
450 /// The language of the frame if known, else lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown.
451 lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage();
453 // similar to GetLanguage(), but is allowed to take a potentially incorrect
454 // guess if exact information is not available
455 lldb::LanguageType GuessLanguage();
457 /// Attempt to econstruct the ValueObject for a given raw address touched by
458 /// the current instruction. The ExpressionPath should indicate how to get
459 /// to this value using "frame variable."
460 ///
461 /// \param [in] addr
462 /// The raw address.
463 ///
464 /// \return
465 /// The ValueObject if found. If valid, it has a valid ExpressionPath.
466 lldb::ValueObjectSP GuessValueForAddress(lldb::addr_t addr);
468 /// Attempt to reconstruct the ValueObject for the address contained in a
469 /// given register plus an offset. The ExpressionPath should indicate how
470 /// to get to this value using "frame variable."
471 ///
472 /// \param [in] reg
473 /// The name of the register.
474 ///
475 /// \param [in] offset
476 /// The offset from the register. Particularly important for sp...
477 ///
478 /// \return
479 /// The ValueObject if found. If valid, it has a valid ExpressionPath.
480 lldb::ValueObjectSP GuessValueForRegisterAndOffset(ConstString reg,
481 int64_t offset);
483 /// Attempt to reconstruct the ValueObject for a variable with a given \a name
484 /// from within the current StackFrame, within the current block. The search
485 /// for the variable starts in the deepest block corresponding to the current
486 /// PC in the stack frame and traverse through all parent blocks stopping at
487 /// inlined function boundaries.
488 ///
489 /// \param [in] name
490 /// The name of the variable.
491 ///
492 /// \return
493 /// The ValueObject if found.
494 lldb::ValueObjectSP FindVariable(ConstString name);
496 // lldb::ExecutionContextScope pure virtual functions
497 lldb::TargetSP CalculateTarget() override;
499 lldb::ProcessSP CalculateProcess() override;
501 lldb::ThreadSP CalculateThread() override;
503 lldb::StackFrameSP CalculateStackFrame() override;
505 void CalculateExecutionContext(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) override;
507 lldb::RecognizedStackFrameSP GetRecognizedFrame();
510 friend class StackFrameList;
512 void SetSymbolContextScope(SymbolContextScope *symbol_scope);
514 void UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame(StackFrame &prev_frame);
516 void UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame(StackFrame &curr_frame);
518 bool HasCachedData() const;
521 // For StackFrame only
522 lldb::ThreadWP m_thread_wp;
523 uint32_t m_frame_index;
524 uint32_t m_concrete_frame_index;
525 lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_context_sp;
526 StackID m_id;
527 Address m_frame_code_addr; // The frame code address (might not be the same as
528 // the actual PC for inlined frames) as a
529 // section/offset address
530 SymbolContext m_sc;
531 Flags m_flags;
532 Scalar m_frame_base;
533 Status m_frame_base_error;
534 bool m_cfa_is_valid; // Does this frame have a CFA? Different from CFA ==
536 Kind m_stack_frame_kind;
538 // Whether this frame behaves like the zeroth frame, in the sense
539 // that its pc value might not immediately follow a call (and thus might
540 // be the first address of its function). True for actual frame zero as
541 // well as any other frame with the same trait.
542 bool m_behaves_like_zeroth_frame;
543 lldb::VariableListSP m_variable_list_sp;
544 ValueObjectList m_variable_list_value_objects; // Value objects for each
545 // variable in
546 // m_variable_list_sp
547 lldb::RecognizedStackFrameSP m_recognized_frame_sp;
548 StreamString m_disassembly;
549 std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
551 StackFrame(const StackFrame &) = delete;
552 const StackFrame &operator=(const StackFrame &) = delete;
555} // namespace lldb_private

source code of lldb/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h