1// RUN: not clang-tidy %s --checks='-*,google-explicit-constructor,google-readability-casting' 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
3// NOLINTBEGIN(google-explicit-constructor)
4class A { A(int i); };
5auto Num = (unsigned int)(-1);
6// NOLINTEND(google-readability-casting)
8// Note: the expected output has been split over several lines so that clang-tidy
9// does not see the "no lint" suppression comment and mistakenly assume it
10// is meant for itself.
11// CHECK: :[[@LINE-8]]:4: error: unmatched 'NOLIN
12// CHECK: TBEGIN' comment without a subsequent 'NOLIN
13// CHECK: TEND' comment [clang-tidy-nolint]
14// CHECK: :[[@LINE-10]]:11: warning: single-argument constructors must be marked explicit
15// CHECK: :[[@LINE-10]]:12: warning: C-style casts are discouraged; use static_cast
16// CHECK: :[[@LINE-10]]:4: error: unmatched 'NOLIN
17// CHECK: TEND' comment without a previous 'NOLIN
18// CHECK: TBEGIN' comment [clang-tidy-nolint]

source code of clang-tools-extra/test/clang-tidy/infrastructure/nolintbeginend-mismatched-check-names.cpp