1//===-- runtime/reduction-templates.h ---------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Generic function templates used by various reduction transformation
10// intrinsic functions (SUM, PRODUCT, &c.)
12// * Partial reductions (i.e., those with DIM= arguments that are not
13// required to be 1 by the rank of the argument) return arrays that
14// are dynamically allocated in a caller-supplied descriptor.
15// * Total reductions (i.e., no DIM= argument) with FINDLOC, MAXLOC, & MINLOC
16// return integer vectors of some kind, not scalars; a caller-supplied
17// descriptor is used
18// * Character-valued reductions (MAXVAL & MINVAL) return arbitrary
19// length results, dynamically allocated in a caller-supplied descriptor
24#include "numeric-templates.h"
25#include "terminator.h"
26#include "tools.h"
27#include "flang/Runtime/cpp-type.h"
28#include "flang/Runtime/descriptor.h"
29#include <algorithm>
31namespace Fortran::runtime {
33// Reductions are implemented with *accumulators*, which are instances of
34// classes that incrementally build up the result (or an element thereof) during
35// a traversal of the unmasked elements of an array. Each accumulator class
36// supports a constructor (which captures a reference to the array), an
37// AccumulateAt() member function that applies supplied subscripts to the
38// array and does something with a scalar element, and a GetResult()
39// member function that copies a final result into its destination.
41// Total reduction of the array argument to a scalar (or to a vector in the
42// cases of FINDLOC, MAXLOC, & MINLOC). These are the cases without DIM= or
43// cases where the argument has rank 1 and DIM=, if present, must be 1.
44template <typename TYPE, typename ACCUMULATOR>
45inline RT_API_ATTRS void DoTotalReduction(const Descriptor &x, int dim,
46 const Descriptor *mask, ACCUMULATOR &accumulator, const char *intrinsic,
47 Terminator &terminator) {
48 if (dim < 0 || dim > 1) {
49 terminator.Crash("%s: bad DIM=%d for ARRAY argument with rank %d",
50 intrinsic, dim, x.rank());
51 }
52 SubscriptValue xAt[maxRank];
53 x.GetLowerBounds(xAt);
54 if (mask) {
55 CheckConformability(to: x, x: *mask, terminator, funcName: intrinsic, toName: "ARRAY", fromName: "MASK");
56 if (mask->rank() > 0) {
57 SubscriptValue maskAt[maxRank];
58 mask->GetLowerBounds(maskAt);
59 for (auto elements{x.Elements()}; elements--;
60 x.IncrementSubscripts(xAt), mask->IncrementSubscripts(maskAt)) {
61 if (IsLogicalElementTrue(*mask, maskAt)) {
62 if (!accumulator.template AccumulateAt<TYPE>(xAt)) {
63 break;
64 }
65 }
66 }
67 return;
68 } else if (!IsLogicalScalarTrue(*mask)) {
69 // scalar MASK=.FALSE.: return identity value
70 return;
71 }
72 }
73 // No MASK=, or scalar MASK=.TRUE.
74 for (auto elements{x.Elements()}; elements--; x.IncrementSubscripts(xAt)) {
75 if (!accumulator.template AccumulateAt<TYPE>(xAt)) {
76 break; // cut short, result is known
77 }
78 }
81template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND, typename ACCUMULATOR>
82inline RT_API_ATTRS CppTypeFor<CAT, KIND> GetTotalReduction(const Descriptor &x,
83 const char *source, int line, int dim, const Descriptor *mask,
84 ACCUMULATOR &&accumulator, const char *intrinsic) {
85 Terminator terminator{source, line};
86 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, TypeCode(CAT, KIND) == x.type());
87 using CppType = CppTypeFor<CAT, KIND>;
88 DoTotalReduction<CppType>(x, dim, mask, accumulator, intrinsic, terminator);
89 if constexpr (std::is_void_v<CppType>) {
90 // Result is returned from accumulator, as in REDUCE() for derived type
91#ifdef _MSC_VER // work around MSVC spurious error
92 accumulator.GetResult();
94 accumulator.template GetResult();
96 } else {
97 CppType result;
98#ifdef _MSC_VER // work around MSVC spurious error
99 accumulator.GetResult(&result);
101 accumulator.template GetResult(&result);
103 return result;
104 }
107// For reductions on a dimension, e.g. SUM(array,DIM=2) where the shape
108// of the array is [2,3,5], the shape of the result is [2,5] and
109// result(j,k) = SUM(array(j,:,k)), possibly modified if the array has
110// lower bounds other than one. This utility subroutine creates an
111// array of subscripts [j,_,k] for result subscripts [j,k] so that the
112// elements of array(j,:,k) can be reduced.
113inline RT_API_ATTRS void GetExpandedSubscripts(SubscriptValue at[],
114 const Descriptor &descriptor, int zeroBasedDim,
115 const SubscriptValue from[]) {
116 descriptor.GetLowerBounds(at);
117 int rank{descriptor.rank()};
118 int j{0};
119 for (; j < zeroBasedDim; ++j) {
120 at[j] += from[j] - 1 /*lower bound*/;
121 }
122 for (++j; j < rank; ++j) {
123 at[j] += from[j - 1] - 1;
124 }
127template <typename TYPE, typename ACCUMULATOR>
128inline RT_API_ATTRS void ReduceDimToScalar(const Descriptor &x,
129 int zeroBasedDim, SubscriptValue subscripts[], TYPE *result,
130 ACCUMULATOR &accumulator) {
131 SubscriptValue xAt[maxRank];
132 GetExpandedSubscripts(xAt, x, zeroBasedDim, subscripts);
133 const auto &dim{x.GetDimension(zeroBasedDim)};
134 SubscriptValue at{dim.LowerBound()};
135 for (auto n{dim.Extent()}; n-- > 0; ++at) {
136 xAt[zeroBasedDim] = at;
137 if (!accumulator.template AccumulateAt<TYPE>(xAt)) {
138 break;
139 }
140 }
141#ifdef _MSC_VER // work around MSVC spurious error
142 accumulator.GetResult(result, zeroBasedDim);
144 accumulator.template GetResult(result, zeroBasedDim);
148template <typename TYPE, typename ACCUMULATOR>
149inline RT_API_ATTRS void ReduceDimMaskToScalar(const Descriptor &x,
150 int zeroBasedDim, SubscriptValue subscripts[], const Descriptor &mask,
151 TYPE *result, ACCUMULATOR &accumulator) {
152 SubscriptValue xAt[maxRank], maskAt[maxRank];
153 GetExpandedSubscripts(xAt, x, zeroBasedDim, subscripts);
154 GetExpandedSubscripts(maskAt, mask, zeroBasedDim, subscripts);
155 const auto &xDim{x.GetDimension(zeroBasedDim)};
156 SubscriptValue xPos{xDim.LowerBound()};
157 const auto &maskDim{mask.GetDimension(zeroBasedDim)};
158 SubscriptValue maskPos{maskDim.LowerBound()};
159 for (auto n{x.GetDimension(zeroBasedDim).Extent()}; n-- > 0;
160 ++xPos, ++maskPos) {
161 maskAt[zeroBasedDim] = maskPos;
162 if (IsLogicalElementTrue(mask, maskAt)) {
163 xAt[zeroBasedDim] = xPos;
164 if (!accumulator.template AccumulateAt<TYPE>(xAt)) {
165 break;
166 }
167 }
168 }
169#ifdef _MSC_VER // work around MSVC spurious error
170 accumulator.GetResult(result, zeroBasedDim);
172 accumulator.template GetResult(result, zeroBasedDim);
176// Partial reductions with DIM=
178template <typename ACCUMULATOR, TypeCategory CAT, int KIND>
179inline RT_API_ATTRS void PartialReduction(Descriptor &result,
180 const Descriptor &x, std::size_t resultElementSize, int dim,
181 const Descriptor *mask, Terminator &terminator, const char *intrinsic,
182 ACCUMULATOR &accumulator) {
183 CreatePartialReductionResult(result, x, resultElementSize, dim, terminator,
184 intrinsic, TypeCode{CAT, KIND});
185 SubscriptValue at[maxRank];
186 result.GetLowerBounds(at);
187 INTERNAL_CHECK(result.rank() == 0 || at[0] == 1);
188 using CppType = CppTypeFor<CAT, KIND>;
189 if (mask) {
190 CheckConformability(to: x, x: *mask, terminator, funcName: intrinsic, toName: "ARRAY", fromName: "MASK");
191 if (mask->rank() > 0) {
192 for (auto n{result.Elements()}; n-- > 0; result.IncrementSubscripts(at)) {
193 accumulator.Reinitialize();
194 ReduceDimMaskToScalar<CppType, ACCUMULATOR>(
195 x, dim - 1, at, *mask, result.Element<CppType>(at), accumulator);
196 }
197 return;
198 } else if (!IsLogicalScalarTrue(*mask)) {
199 // scalar MASK=.FALSE.
200 accumulator.Reinitialize();
201 for (auto n{result.Elements()}; n-- > 0; result.IncrementSubscripts(at)) {
202 accumulator.GetResult(result.Element<CppType>(at));
203 }
204 return;
205 }
206 }
207 // No MASK= or scalar MASK=.TRUE.
208 for (auto n{result.Elements()}; n-- > 0; result.IncrementSubscripts(at)) {
209 accumulator.Reinitialize();
210 ReduceDimToScalar<CppType, ACCUMULATOR>(
211 x, dim - 1, at, result.Element<CppType>(at), accumulator);
212 }
215template <template <typename> class ACCUM>
216struct PartialIntegerReductionHelper {
217 template <int KIND> struct Functor {
218 static constexpr int Intermediate{
219 std::max(a: KIND, b: 4)}; // use at least "int" for intermediate results
220 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
221 int dim, const Descriptor *mask, Terminator &terminator,
222 const char *intrinsic) const {
223 using Accumulator =
224 ACCUM<CppTypeFor<TypeCategory::Integer, Intermediate>>;
225 Accumulator accumulator{x};
226 // Element size of the destination descriptor is the same
227 // as the element size of the source.
228 PartialReduction<Accumulator, TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>(result, x,
229 x.ElementBytes(), dim, mask, terminator, intrinsic, accumulator);
230 }
231 };
234template <template <typename> class INTEGER_ACCUM>
235inline RT_API_ATTRS void PartialIntegerReduction(Descriptor &result,
236 const Descriptor &x, int dim, int kind, const Descriptor *mask,
237 const char *intrinsic, Terminator &terminator) {
238 ApplyIntegerKind<
239 PartialIntegerReductionHelper<INTEGER_ACCUM>::template Functor, void>(
240 kind, terminator, result, x, dim, mask, terminator, intrinsic);
243template <TypeCategory CAT, template <typename> class ACCUM>
244struct PartialFloatingReductionHelper {
245 template <int KIND> struct Functor {
246 static constexpr int Intermediate{
247 std::max(a: KIND, b: 8)}; // use at least "double" for intermediate results
248 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
249 int dim, const Descriptor *mask, Terminator &terminator,
250 const char *intrinsic) const {
251 using Accumulator = ACCUM<CppTypeFor<TypeCategory::Real, Intermediate>>;
252 Accumulator accumulator{x};
253 // Element size of the destination descriptor is the same
254 // as the element size of the source.
255 PartialReduction<Accumulator, CAT, KIND>(result, x, x.ElementBytes(), dim,
256 mask, terminator, intrinsic, accumulator);
257 }
258 };
261template <template <typename> class INTEGER_ACCUM,
262 template <typename> class REAL_ACCUM,
263 template <typename> class COMPLEX_ACCUM>
264inline RT_API_ATTRS void TypedPartialNumericReduction(Descriptor &result,
265 const Descriptor &x, int dim, const char *source, int line,
266 const Descriptor *mask, const char *intrinsic) {
267 Terminator terminator{source, line};
268 auto catKind{x.type().GetCategoryAndKind()};
269 RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, catKind.has_value());
270 switch (catKind->first) {
271 case TypeCategory::Integer:
272 PartialIntegerReduction<INTEGER_ACCUM>(
273 result, x, dim, catKind->second, mask, intrinsic, terminator);
274 break;
275 case TypeCategory::Real:
276 ApplyFloatingPointKind<PartialFloatingReductionHelper<TypeCategory::Real,
277 REAL_ACCUM>::template Functor,
278 void>(catKind->second, terminator, result, x, dim, mask, terminator,
279 intrinsic);
280 break;
281 case TypeCategory::Complex:
282 ApplyFloatingPointKind<PartialFloatingReductionHelper<TypeCategory::Complex,
283 COMPLEX_ACCUM>::template Functor,
284 void>(catKind->second, terminator, result, x, dim, mask, terminator,
285 intrinsic);
286 break;
287 default:
288 terminator.Crash("%s: bad type code %d", intrinsic, x.type().raw());
289 }
292template <typename ACCUMULATOR> struct LocationResultHelper {
293 template <int KIND> struct Functor {
294 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(
295 ACCUMULATOR &accumulator, const Descriptor &result) const {
296 accumulator.GetResult(
297 result.OffsetElement<CppTypeFor<TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>>());
298 }
299 };
302template <typename ACCUMULATOR> struct PartialLocationHelper {
303 template <int KIND> struct Functor {
304 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
305 int dim, const Descriptor *mask, Terminator &terminator,
306 const char *intrinsic, ACCUMULATOR &accumulator) const {
307 // Element size of the destination descriptor is the size
308 // of {TypeCategory::Integer, KIND}.
309 PartialReduction<ACCUMULATOR, TypeCategory::Integer, KIND>(result, x,
310 Descriptor::BytesFor(TypeCategory::Integer, KIND), dim, mask,
311 terminator, intrinsic, accumulator);
312 }
313 };
316// NORM2 templates
320// Use at least double precision for accumulators.
321// Don't use __float128, it doesn't work with abs() or sqrt() yet.
322static constexpr RT_CONST_VAR_ATTRS int Norm2LargestLDKind {
323#if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 113 || HAS_FLOAT128
324 16
325#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64
326 10
328 8
334template <TypeCategory CAT, int KIND, typename ACCUMULATOR>
335inline RT_API_ATTRS void DoMaxMinNorm2(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x,
336 int dim, const Descriptor *mask, const char *intrinsic,
337 Terminator &terminator) {
338 using Type = CppTypeFor<CAT, KIND>;
339 ACCUMULATOR accumulator{x};
340 if (dim == 0 || x.rank() == 1) {
341 // Total reduction
343 // Element size of the destination descriptor is the same
344 // as the element size of the source.
345 result.Establish(x.type(), x.ElementBytes(), nullptr, 0, nullptr,
346 CFI_attribute_allocatable);
347 if (int stat{result.Allocate()}) {
348 terminator.Crash(
349 "%s: could not allocate memory for result; STAT=%d", intrinsic, stat);
350 }
351 DoTotalReduction<Type>(x, dim, mask, accumulator, intrinsic, terminator);
352 accumulator.GetResult(result.OffsetElement<Type>());
353 } else {
354 // Partial reduction
356 // Element size of the destination descriptor is the same
357 // as the element size of the source.
358 PartialReduction<ACCUMULATOR, CAT, KIND>(result, x, x.ElementBytes(), dim,
359 mask, terminator, intrinsic, accumulator);
360 }
363// The data type used by Norm2Accumulator.
364template <int KIND>
365using Norm2AccumType =
366 CppTypeFor<TypeCategory::Real, std::clamp(KIND, 8, Norm2LargestLDKind)>;
368template <int KIND> class Norm2Accumulator {
370 using Type = CppTypeFor<TypeCategory::Real, KIND>;
371 using AccumType = Norm2AccumType<KIND>;
372 explicit RT_API_ATTRS Norm2Accumulator(const Descriptor &array)
373 : array_{array} {}
374 RT_API_ATTRS void Reinitialize() { max_ = sum_ = 0; }
375 template <typename A>
376 RT_API_ATTRS void GetResult(A *p, int /*zeroBasedDim*/ = -1) const {
377 // m * sqrt(1 + sum((others(:)/m)**2))
378 *p = static_cast<Type>(max_ * SQRTTy<AccumType>::compute(1 + sum_));
379 }
380 RT_API_ATTRS bool Accumulate(Type x) {
381 auto absX{ABSTy<AccumType>::compute(static_cast<AccumType>(x))};
382 if (!max_) {
383 max_ = absX;
384 } else if (absX > max_) {
385 auto t{max_ / absX}; // < 1.0
386 auto tsq{t * t};
387 sum_ *= tsq; // scale sum to reflect change to the max
388 sum_ += tsq; // include a term for the previous max
389 max_ = absX;
390 } else { // absX <= max_
391 auto t{absX / max_};
392 sum_ += t * t;
393 }
394 return true;
395 }
396 template <typename A>
397 RT_API_ATTRS bool AccumulateAt(const SubscriptValue at[]) {
398 return Accumulate(*array_.Element<A>(at));
399 }
402 const Descriptor &array_;
403 AccumType max_{0}; // value (m) with largest magnitude
404 AccumType sum_{0}; // sum((others(:)/m)**2)
407template <int KIND> struct Norm2Helper {
408 RT_API_ATTRS void operator()(Descriptor &result, const Descriptor &x, int dim,
409 const Descriptor *mask, Terminator &terminator) const {
410 DoMaxMinNorm2<TypeCategory::Real, KIND, Norm2Accumulator<KIND>>(
411 result, x, dim, mask, "NORM2", terminator);
412 }
415} // namespace Fortran::runtime

source code of flang/runtime/reduction-templates.h