1//===- PassManager.cpp - Infrastructure for managing & running IR passes --===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "llvm/IR/PassManager.h"
10#include "llvm/IR/PassManagerImpl.h"
11#include <optional>
13using namespace llvm;
15namespace llvm {
16// Explicit template instantiations and specialization defininitions for core
17// template typedefs.
18template class AllAnalysesOn<Module>;
19template class AllAnalysesOn<Function>;
20template class PassManager<Module>;
21template class PassManager<Function>;
22template class AnalysisManager<Module>;
23template class AnalysisManager<Function>;
24template class InnerAnalysisManagerProxy<FunctionAnalysisManager, Module>;
25template class OuterAnalysisManagerProxy<ModuleAnalysisManager, Function>;
27template <>
28bool FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy::Result::invalidate(
29 Module &M, const PreservedAnalyses &PA,
30 ModuleAnalysisManager::Invalidator &Inv) {
31 // If literally everything is preserved, we're done.
32 if (PA.areAllPreserved())
33 return false; // This is still a valid proxy.
35 // If this proxy isn't marked as preserved, then even if the result remains
36 // valid, the key itself may no longer be valid, so we clear everything.
37 //
38 // Note that in order to preserve this proxy, a module pass must ensure that
39 // the FAM has been completely updated to handle the deletion of functions.
40 // Specifically, any FAM-cached results for those functions need to have been
41 // forcibly cleared. When preserved, this proxy will only invalidate results
42 // cached on functions *still in the module* at the end of the module pass.
43 auto PAC = PA.getChecker<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>();
44 if (!PAC.preserved() && !PAC.preservedSet<AllAnalysesOn<Module>>()) {
45 InnerAM->clear();
46 return true;
47 }
49 // Directly check if the relevant set is preserved.
50 bool AreFunctionAnalysesPreserved =
51 PA.allAnalysesInSetPreserved<AllAnalysesOn<Function>>();
53 // Now walk all the functions to see if any inner analysis invalidation is
54 // necessary.
55 for (Function &F : M) {
56 std::optional<PreservedAnalyses> FunctionPA;
58 // Check to see whether the preserved set needs to be pruned based on
59 // module-level analysis invalidation that triggers deferred invalidation
60 // registered with the outer analysis manager proxy for this function.
61 if (auto *OuterProxy =
62 InnerAM->getCachedResult<ModuleAnalysisManagerFunctionProxy>(IR&: F))
63 for (const auto &OuterInvalidationPair :
64 OuterProxy->getOuterInvalidations()) {
65 AnalysisKey *OuterAnalysisID = OuterInvalidationPair.first;
66 const auto &InnerAnalysisIDs = OuterInvalidationPair.second;
67 if (Inv.invalidate(ID: OuterAnalysisID, IR&: M, PA)) {
68 if (!FunctionPA)
69 FunctionPA = PA;
70 for (AnalysisKey *InnerAnalysisID : InnerAnalysisIDs)
71 FunctionPA->abandon(ID: InnerAnalysisID);
72 }
73 }
75 // Check if we needed a custom PA set, and if so we'll need to run the
76 // inner invalidation.
77 if (FunctionPA) {
78 InnerAM->invalidate(IR&: F, PA: *FunctionPA);
79 continue;
80 }
82 // Otherwise we only need to do invalidation if the original PA set didn't
83 // preserve all function analyses.
84 if (!AreFunctionAnalysesPreserved)
85 InnerAM->invalidate(IR&: F, PA);
86 }
88 // Return false to indicate that this result is still a valid proxy.
89 return false;
91} // namespace llvm
93void ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor::printPipeline(
94 raw_ostream &OS, function_ref<StringRef(StringRef)> MapClassName2PassName) {
95 OS << "function";
96 if (EagerlyInvalidate)
97 OS << "<eager-inv>";
98 OS << '(';
99 Pass->printPipeline(OS, MapClassName2PassName);
100 OS << ')';
103PreservedAnalyses ModuleToFunctionPassAdaptor::run(Module &M,
104 ModuleAnalysisManager &AM) {
105 FunctionAnalysisManager &FAM =
106 AM.getResult<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>(IR&: M).getManager();
108 // Request PassInstrumentation from analysis manager, will use it to run
109 // instrumenting callbacks for the passes later.
110 PassInstrumentation PI = AM.getResult<PassInstrumentationAnalysis>(IR&: M);
112 PreservedAnalyses PA = PreservedAnalyses::all();
113 for (Function &F : M) {
114 if (F.isDeclaration())
115 continue;
117 // Check the PassInstrumentation's BeforePass callbacks before running the
118 // pass, skip its execution completely if asked to (callback returns
119 // false).
120 if (!PI.runBeforePass<Function>(Pass: *Pass, IR: F))
121 continue;
123 PreservedAnalyses PassPA = Pass->run(IR&: F, AM&: FAM);
125 // We know that the function pass couldn't have invalidated any other
126 // function's analyses (that's the contract of a function pass), so
127 // directly handle the function analysis manager's invalidation here.
128 FAM.invalidate(IR&: F, PA: EagerlyInvalidate ? PreservedAnalyses::none() : PassPA);
130 PI.runAfterPass(Pass: *Pass, IR: F, PA: PassPA);
132 // Then intersect the preserved set so that invalidation of module
133 // analyses will eventually occur when the module pass completes.
134 PA.intersect(Arg: std::move(PassPA));
135 }
137 // The FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy is preserved because (we assume)
138 // the function passes we ran didn't add or remove any functions.
139 //
140 // We also preserve all analyses on Functions, because we did all the
141 // invalidation we needed to do above.
142 PA.preserveSet<AllAnalysesOn<Function>>();
143 PA.preserve<FunctionAnalysisManagerModuleProxy>();
144 return PA;
147AnalysisSetKey CFGAnalyses::SetKey;
149AnalysisSetKey PreservedAnalyses::AllAnalysesKey;

source code of llvm/lib/IR/PassManager.cpp