1//===- RemarkCounter.cpp --------------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Generic tool to count remarks based on properties
13#include "RemarkCounter.h"
14#include "RemarkUtilRegistry.h"
15#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
16#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
18using namespace llvm;
19using namespace remarks;
20using namespace llvm::remarkutil;
22static cl::SubCommand CountSub("count",
23 "Collect remarks based on specified criteria.");
28static cl::list<std::string>
29 Keys("args", cl::desc("Specify remark argument/s to count by."),
30 cl::value_desc("arguments"), cl::sub(CountSub), cl::ValueOptional);
31static cl::list<std::string> RKeys(
32 "rargs",
33 cl::desc(
34 "Specify remark argument/s to count (accepts regular expressions)."),
35 cl::value_desc("arguments"), cl::sub(CountSub), cl::ValueOptional);
36static cl::opt<std::string>
37 RemarkNameOpt("remark-name",
38 cl::desc("Optional remark name to filter collection by."),
39 cl::ValueOptional, cl::sub(CountSub));
40static cl::opt<std::string>
41 PassNameOpt("pass-name", cl::ValueOptional,
42 cl::desc("Optional remark pass name to filter collection by."),
43 cl::sub(CountSub));
45static cl::opt<std::string> RemarkFilterArgByOpt(
46 "filter-arg-by", cl::desc("Optional remark arg to filter collection by."),
47 cl::ValueOptional, cl::sub(CountSub));
48static cl::opt<std::string>
49 RemarkNameOptRE("rremark-name",
50 cl::desc("Optional remark name to filter collection by "
51 "(accepts regular expressions)."),
52 cl::ValueOptional, cl::sub(CountSub));
53static cl::opt<std::string>
54 RemarkArgFilterOptRE("rfilter-arg-by",
55 cl::desc("Optional remark arg to filter collection by "
56 "(accepts regular expressions)."),
57 cl::sub(CountSub), cl::ValueOptional);
58static cl::opt<std::string>
59 PassNameOptRE("rpass-name", cl::ValueOptional,
60 cl::desc("Optional remark pass name to filter collection "
61 "by (accepts regular expressions)."),
62 cl::sub(CountSub));
63static cl::opt<Type> RemarkTypeOpt(
64 "remark-type", cl::desc("Optional remark type to filter collection by."),
65 cl::values(clEnumValN(Type::Unknown, "unknown", "UNKOWN"),
66 clEnumValN(Type::Passed, "passed", "PASSED"),
67 clEnumValN(Type::Missed, "missed", "MISSED"),
68 clEnumValN(Type::Analysis, "analysis", "ANALYSIS"),
69 clEnumValN(Type::AnalysisFPCommute, "analysis-fp-commute",
71 clEnumValN(Type::AnalysisAliasing, "analysis-aliasing",
73 clEnumValN(Type::Failure, "failure", "FAILURE")),
74 cl::init(Val: Type::Failure), cl::sub(CountSub));
75static cl::opt<CountBy> CountByOpt(
76 "count-by", cl::desc("Specify the property to collect remarks by."),
77 cl::values(
78 clEnumValN(CountBy::REMARK, "remark-name",
79 "Counts individual remarks based on how many of the remark "
80 "exists."),
81 clEnumValN(CountBy::ARGUMENT, "arg",
82 "Counts based on the value each specified argument has. The "
83 "argument has to have a number value to be considered.")),
84 cl::init(Val: CountBy::REMARK), cl::sub(CountSub));
85static cl::opt<GroupBy> GroupByOpt(
86 "group-by", cl::desc("Specify the property to group remarks by."),
87 cl::values(
88 clEnumValN(
89 GroupBy::PER_SOURCE, "source",
90 "Display the count broken down by the filepath of each remark "
91 "emitted. Requires remarks to have DebugLoc information."),
92 clEnumValN(GroupBy::PER_FUNCTION, "function",
93 "Breakdown the count by function name."),
94 clEnumValN(
95 GroupBy::PER_FUNCTION_WITH_DEBUG_LOC, "function-with-loc",
96 "Breakdown the count by function name taking into consideration "
97 "the filepath info from the DebugLoc of the remark."),
98 clEnumValN(GroupBy::TOTAL, "total",
99 "Output the total number corresponding to the count for the "
100 "provided input file.")),
101 cl::init(Val: GroupBy::PER_SOURCE), cl::sub(CountSub));
103/// Look for matching argument with \p Key in \p Remark and return the parsed
104/// integer value or 0 if it is has no integer value.
105static unsigned getValForKey(StringRef Key, const Remark &Remark) {
106 auto *RemarkArg = find_if(Range: Remark.Args, P: [&Key](const Argument &Arg) {
107 return Arg.Key == Key && Arg.isValInt();
108 });
109 if (RemarkArg == Remark.Args.end())
110 return 0;
111 return *RemarkArg->getValAsInt();
114Error Filters::regexArgumentsValid() {
115 if (RemarkNameFilter && RemarkNameFilter->IsRegex)
116 if (auto E = checkRegex(Regex: RemarkNameFilter->FilterRE))
117 return E;
118 if (PassNameFilter && PassNameFilter->IsRegex)
119 if (auto E = checkRegex(Regex: PassNameFilter->FilterRE))
120 return E;
121 if (ArgFilter && ArgFilter->IsRegex)
122 if (auto E = checkRegex(Regex: ArgFilter->FilterRE))
123 return E;
124 return Error::success();
127bool Filters::filterRemark(const Remark &Remark) {
128 if (RemarkNameFilter && !RemarkNameFilter->match(StringToMatch: Remark.RemarkName))
129 return false;
130 if (PassNameFilter && !PassNameFilter->match(StringToMatch: Remark.PassName))
131 return false;
132 if (RemarkTypeFilter)
133 return *RemarkTypeFilter == Remark.RemarkType;
134 if (ArgFilter) {
135 if (!any_of(Range: Remark.Args,
136 P: [this](Argument Arg) { return ArgFilter->match(StringToMatch: Arg.Val); }))
137 return false;
138 }
139 return true;
142Error ArgumentCounter::getAllMatchingArgumentsInRemark(
143 StringRef Buffer, ArrayRef<FilterMatcher> Arguments, Filters &Filter) {
144 auto MaybeParser = createRemarkParser(ParserFormat: InputFormat, Buf: Buffer);
145 if (!MaybeParser)
146 return MaybeParser.takeError();
147 auto &Parser = **MaybeParser;
148 auto MaybeRemark = Parser.next();
149 for (; MaybeRemark; MaybeRemark = Parser.next()) {
150 auto &Remark = **MaybeRemark;
151 // Only collect keys from remarks included in the filter.
152 if (!Filter.filterRemark(Remark))
153 continue;
154 for (auto &Key : Arguments) {
155 for (Argument Arg : Remark.Args)
156 if (Key.match(StringToMatch: Arg.Key) && Arg.isValInt())
157 ArgumentSetIdxMap.insert(KV: {Arg.Key, ArgumentSetIdxMap.size()});
158 }
159 }
161 auto E = MaybeRemark.takeError();
162 if (!E.isA<EndOfFileError>())
163 return E;
164 consumeError(Err: std::move(E));
165 return Error::success();
168std::optional<std::string> Counter::getGroupByKey(const Remark &Remark) {
169 switch (Group) {
170 case GroupBy::PER_FUNCTION:
171 return Remark.FunctionName.str();
172 case GroupBy::TOTAL:
173 return "Total";
174 case GroupBy::PER_SOURCE:
176 if (!Remark.Loc.has_value())
177 return std::nullopt;
179 if (Group == GroupBy::PER_FUNCTION_WITH_DEBUG_LOC)
180 return Remark.Loc->SourceFilePath.str() + ":" + Remark.FunctionName.str();
181 return Remark.Loc->SourceFilePath.str();
182 }
183 llvm_unreachable("Fully covered switch above!");
186void ArgumentCounter::collect(const Remark &Remark) {
187 SmallVector<unsigned, 4> Row(ArgumentSetIdxMap.size());
188 std::optional<std::string> GroupByKey = getGroupByKey(Remark);
189 // Early return if we don't have a value
190 if (!GroupByKey)
191 return;
192 auto GroupVal = *GroupByKey;
193 CountByKeysMap.insert(x: {GroupVal, Row});
194 for (auto [Key, Idx] : ArgumentSetIdxMap) {
195 auto Count = getValForKey(Key, Remark);
196 CountByKeysMap[GroupVal][Idx] += Count;
197 }
200void RemarkCounter::collect(const Remark &Remark) {
201 std::optional<std::string> Key = getGroupByKey(Remark);
202 if (!Key.has_value())
203 return;
204 auto Iter = CountedByRemarksMap.insert(x: {*Key, 1});
205 if (!Iter.second)
206 Iter.first->second += 1;
209Error ArgumentCounter::print(StringRef OutputFileName) {
210 auto MaybeOF =
211 getOutputFileWithFlags(OutputFileName, Flags: sys::fs::OF_TextWithCRLF);
212 if (!MaybeOF)
213 return MaybeOF.takeError();
215 auto OF = std::move(*MaybeOF);
216 OF->os() << groupByToStr(GroupBy: Group) << ",";
217 unsigned Idx = 0;
218 for (auto [Key, _] : ArgumentSetIdxMap) {
219 OF->os() << Key;
220 if (Idx != ArgumentSetIdxMap.size() - 1)
221 OF->os() << ",";
222 Idx++;
223 }
224 OF->os() << "\n";
225 for (auto [Header, CountVector] : CountByKeysMap) {
226 OF->os() << Header << ",";
227 unsigned Idx = 0;
228 for (auto Count : CountVector) {
229 OF->os() << Count;
230 if (Idx != ArgumentSetIdxMap.size() - 1)
231 OF->os() << ",";
232 Idx++;
233 }
234 OF->os() << "\n";
235 }
236 return Error::success();
239Error RemarkCounter::print(StringRef OutputFileName) {
240 auto MaybeOF =
241 getOutputFileWithFlags(OutputFileName, Flags: sys::fs::OF_TextWithCRLF);
242 if (!MaybeOF)
243 return MaybeOF.takeError();
245 auto OF = std::move(*MaybeOF);
246 OF->os() << groupByToStr(GroupBy: Group) << ","
247 << "Count\n";
248 for (auto [Key, Count] : CountedByRemarksMap)
249 OF->os() << Key << "," << Count << "\n";
250 OF->keep();
251 return Error::success();
254Expected<Filters> getRemarkFilter() {
255 // Create Filter properties.
256 std::optional<FilterMatcher> RemarkNameFilter;
257 std::optional<FilterMatcher> PassNameFilter;
258 std::optional<FilterMatcher> RemarkArgFilter;
259 std::optional<Type> RemarkType;
260 if (!RemarkNameOpt.empty())
261 RemarkNameFilter = {RemarkNameOpt, false};
262 else if (!RemarkNameOptRE.empty())
263 RemarkNameFilter = {RemarkNameOptRE, true};
264 if (!PassNameOpt.empty())
265 PassNameFilter = {PassNameOpt, false};
266 else if (!PassNameOptRE.empty())
267 PassNameFilter = {PassNameOptRE, true};
268 if (RemarkTypeOpt != Type::Failure)
269 RemarkType = RemarkTypeOpt;
270 if (!RemarkFilterArgByOpt.empty())
271 RemarkArgFilter = {RemarkFilterArgByOpt, false};
272 else if (!RemarkArgFilterOptRE.empty())
273 RemarkArgFilter = {RemarkArgFilterOptRE, true};
274 // Create RemarkFilter.
275 return Filters::createRemarkFilter(RemarkNameFilter: std::move(RemarkNameFilter),
276 PassNameFilter: std::move(PassNameFilter),
277 ArgFilter: std::move(RemarkArgFilter), RemarkTypeFilter: RemarkType);
280Error useCollectRemark(StringRef Buffer, Counter &Counter, Filters &Filter) {
281 // Create Parser.
282 auto MaybeParser = createRemarkParser(ParserFormat: InputFormat, Buf: Buffer);
283 if (!MaybeParser)
284 return MaybeParser.takeError();
285 auto &Parser = **MaybeParser;
286 auto MaybeRemark = Parser.next();
287 for (; MaybeRemark; MaybeRemark = Parser.next()) {
288 const Remark &Remark = **MaybeRemark;
289 if (Filter.filterRemark(Remark))
290 Counter.collect(Remark);
291 }
293 if (auto E = Counter.print(OutputFileName))
294 return E;
295 auto E = MaybeRemark.takeError();
296 if (!E.isA<EndOfFileError>())
297 return E;
298 consumeError(Err: std::move(E));
299 return Error::success();
302static Error collectRemarks() {
303 // Create a parser for the user-specified input format.
304 auto MaybeBuf = getInputMemoryBuffer(InputFileName);
305 if (!MaybeBuf)
306 return MaybeBuf.takeError();
307 StringRef Buffer = (*MaybeBuf)->getBuffer();
308 auto MaybeFilter = getRemarkFilter();
309 if (!MaybeFilter)
310 return MaybeFilter.takeError();
311 auto &Filter = *MaybeFilter;
312 if (CountByOpt == CountBy::REMARK) {
313 RemarkCounter RC(GroupByOpt);
314 if (auto E = useCollectRemark(Buffer, Counter&: RC, Filter))
315 return E;
316 } else if (CountByOpt == CountBy::ARGUMENT) {
317 SmallVector<FilterMatcher, 4> ArgumentsVector;
318 if (!Keys.empty()) {
319 for (auto &Key : Keys)
320 ArgumentsVector.push_back(Elt: {Key, false});
321 } else if (!RKeys.empty())
322 for (auto Key : RKeys)
323 ArgumentsVector.push_back(Elt: {Key, true});
324 else
325 ArgumentsVector.push_back(Elt: {".*", true});
327 Expected<ArgumentCounter> AC = ArgumentCounter::createArgumentCounter(
328 Group: GroupByOpt, Arguments: ArgumentsVector, Buffer, Filter);
329 if (!AC)
330 return AC.takeError();
331 if (auto E = useCollectRemark(Buffer, Counter&: *AC, Filter))
332 return E;
333 }
334 return Error::success();
337static CommandRegistration CountReg(&CountSub, collectRemarks);

source code of llvm/tools/llvm-remarkutil/RemarkCounter.cpp