1/* spawn a new process running an executable. Hurd version.
2 Copyright (C) 2001-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 This file is part of the GNU C Library.
5 The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
7 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
8 License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If
17 not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
19#include <errno.h>
20#include <fcntl.h>
21#include <paths.h>
22#include <spawn.h>
23#include <stdlib.h>
24#include <string.h>
25#include <stdio.h>
26#include <unistd.h>
27#include <hurd.h>
28#include <hurd/signal.h>
29#include <hurd/fd.h>
30#include <hurd/id.h>
31#include <hurd/lookup.h>
32#include <hurd/resource.h>
33#include <assert.h>
34#include <argz.h>
35#include "spawn_int.h"
37/* Spawn a new process executing PATH with the attributes describes in *ATTRP.
38 Before running the process perform the actions described in FILE-ACTIONS. */
40__spawni (pid_t *pid, const char *file,
41 const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
42 const posix_spawnattr_t *attrp,
43 char *const argv[], char *const envp[],
44 int xflags)
46 pid_t new_pid;
47 char *path, *p, *name;
48 char *concat_name = NULL;
49 const char *relpath, *abspath;
50 int res;
51 size_t len;
52 size_t pathlen;
53 short int flags;
55 /* The generic POSIX.1 implementation of posix_spawn uses fork and exec.
56 In traditional POSIX systems (Unix, Linux, etc), the only way to
57 create a new process is by fork, which also copies all the things from
58 the parent process that will be immediately wiped and replaced by the
59 exec.
61 This Hurd implementation works by doing an exec on a fresh task,
62 without ever doing all the work of fork. The only work done by fork
63 that remains visible after an exec is registration with the proc
64 server, and the inheritance of various values and ports. All those
65 inherited values and ports are what get collected up and passed in the
66 file_exec_paths RPC by an exec call. So we do the proc server
67 registration here, following the model of fork (see fork.c). We then
68 collect up the inherited values and ports from this (parent) process
69 following the model of exec (see hurd/hurdexec.c), modify or replace each
70 value that fork would (plus the specific changes demanded by ATTRP and
71 FILE_ACTIONS), and make the file_exec_paths RPC on the requested
72 executable file with the child process's task port rather than our own.
73 This should be indistinguishable from the fork + exec implementation,
74 except that all errors will be detected here (in the parent process)
75 and return proper errno codes rather than the child dying with 127.
77 XXX The one exception to this supposed indistinguishableness is that
78 when posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen has been used, the parent
79 process can do various filesystem RPCs on the child's behalf, rather
80 than the child process doing it. If these block due to a broken or
81 malicious filesystem server or just a blocked network fs or a serial
82 port waiting for carrier detect (!!), the parent's posix_spawn call
83 can block arbitrarily rather than just the child blocking. Possible
84 solutions include:
85 * punt to plain fork + exec implementation if addopen was used
86 ** easy to do
87 ** gives up all benefits of this implementation in that case
88 * if addopen was used, don't do any file actions at all here;
89 instead, exec an installed helper program e.g.:
90 /libexec/spawn-helper close 3 dup2 1 2 open 0 /file 0x123 0666 exec /bin/foo foo a1 a2
91 ** extra exec might be more or less overhead than fork
92 * could do some weird half-fork thing where the child would inherit
93 our vm and run some code here, but not do the full work of fork
95 XXX Actually, the parent opens the executable file on behalf of
96 the child, and that has all the same issues.
98 I am favoring the half-fork solution. That is, we do task_create with
99 vm inheritance, and we setjmp/longjmp the child like fork does. But
100 rather than all the fork hair, the parent just packs up init/dtable
101 ports and does a single IPC to a receive right inserted in the child. */
103 error_t err;
104 task_t task;
105 file_t execfile;
106 process_t proc;
107 auth_t auth;
108 int ints[INIT_INT_MAX];
109 file_t *dtable;
110 unsigned int dtablesize, orig_dtablesize, i;
111 struct hurd_port **dtable_cells;
112 char *dtable_cloexec;
113 struct hurd_userlink *ulink_dtable = NULL;
114 struct hurd_sigstate *ss;
116 /* Child current working dir */
117 file_t ccwdir = MACH_PORT_NULL;
119 /* For POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS, this reauthenticates our root/current
120 directory ports with the new AUTH port. */
121 file_t rcrdir = MACH_PORT_NULL, rcwdir = MACH_PORT_NULL;
122 error_t reauthenticate (int which, file_t *result)
123 {
124 error_t err;
125 mach_port_t ref;
126 if (*result != MACH_PORT_NULL)
127 return 0;
128 ref = __mach_reply_port ();
129 if (which == INIT_PORT_CWDIR && ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
130 {
131 err = __io_reauthenticate (ccwdir, ref, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
132 if (!err)
133 err = __auth_user_authenticate (auth,
135 result);
136 }
137 else
138 err = HURD_PORT_USE
139 (&_hurd_ports[which],
140 ({
141 err = __io_reauthenticate (port, ref, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
142 if (!err)
143 err = __auth_user_authenticate (auth,
145 result);
146 err;
147 }));
148 __mach_port_destroy (__mach_task_self (), ref);
149 return err;
150 }
152 /* Reauthenticate one of our file descriptors for the child. A null
153 element of DTABLE_CELLS indicates a descriptor that was already
154 reauthenticated, or was newly opened on behalf of the child. */
155 error_t reauthenticate_fd (int fd)
156 {
157 if (dtable_cells[fd] != NULL)
158 {
159 file_t newfile;
160 mach_port_t ref = __mach_reply_port ();
161 error_t err = __io_reauthenticate (dtable[fd],
163 if (!err)
164 err = __auth_user_authenticate (auth,
166 &newfile);
167 __mach_port_destroy (__mach_task_self (), ref);
168 if (err)
169 return err;
170 _hurd_port_free (dtable_cells[fd], &ulink_dtable[fd], dtable[fd]);
171 dtable_cells[fd] = NULL;
172 dtable[fd] = newfile;
173 }
174 return 0;
175 }
177 /* These callbacks are for looking up file names on behalf of the child. */
178 error_t child_init_port (int which, error_t (*operate) (mach_port_t))
179 {
180 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
181 switch (which)
182 {
183 case INIT_PORT_AUTH:
184 return (*operate) (auth);
186 return (reauthenticate (INIT_PORT_CRDIR, &rcrdir)
187 ?: (*operate) (rcrdir));
189 return (reauthenticate (INIT_PORT_CWDIR, &rcwdir)
190 ?: (*operate) (rcwdir));
191 }
192 else
193 switch (which)
194 {
196 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
197 return (*operate) (ccwdir);
198 break;
199 }
200 assert (which != INIT_PORT_PROC);
201 return _hurd_ports_use (which, operate);
202 }
203 file_t child_fd (int fd)
204 {
205 if ((unsigned int) fd < dtablesize && dtable[fd] != MACH_PORT_NULL)
206 {
207 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
208 {
209 /* Reauthenticate this descriptor right now,
210 since it is going to be used on behalf of the child. */
211 errno = reauthenticate_fd (fd);
212 if (errno)
213 return MACH_PORT_NULL;
214 }
215 __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (), dtable[fd],
217 return dtable[fd];
218 }
219 errno = EBADF;
220 return MACH_PORT_NULL;
221 }
222 inline error_t child_lookup (const char *file, int oflag, mode_t mode,
223 file_t *result)
224 {
225 return __hurd_file_name_lookup (&child_init_port, &child_fd, 0,
226 file, oflag, mode, result);
227 }
228 auto error_t child_chdir (const char *name)
229 {
230 file_t new_ccwdir;
232 /* Append trailing "/." to directory name to force ENOTDIR if
233 it's not a directory and EACCES if we don't have search
234 permission. */
235 len = strlen (name);
236 const char *lookup = name;
237 if (len >= 2 && name[len - 2] == '/' && name[len - 1] == '.')
238 lookup = name;
239 else if (len == 0)
240 /* Special-case empty file name according to POSIX. */
241 return __hurd_fail (ENOENT);
242 else
243 {
244 char *n = alloca (len + 3);
245 memcpy (n, name, len);
246 n[len] = '/';
247 n[len + 1] = '.';
248 n[len + 2] = '\0';
249 lookup = n;
250 }
252 error_t err = child_lookup (lookup, 0, 0, &new_ccwdir);
253 if (!err)
254 {
255 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
256 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), ccwdir);
257 ccwdir = new_ccwdir;
258 }
260 return err;
261 }
262 inline error_t child_lookup_under (file_t startdir, const char *file,
263 int oflag, mode_t mode, file_t *result)
264 {
265 error_t use_init_port (int which, error_t (*operate) (mach_port_t))
266 {
267 return (which == INIT_PORT_CWDIR ? (*operate) (startdir)
268 : child_init_port (which, operate));
269 }
271 return __hurd_file_name_lookup (&use_init_port, &child_fd, 0,
272 file, oflag, mode, result);
273 }
274 auto error_t child_fchdir (int fd)
275 {
276 file_t new_ccwdir;
277 error_t err;
279 if ((unsigned int)fd >= dtablesize
280 || dtable[fd] == MACH_PORT_NULL)
281 return EBADF;
283 /* We look up "." to force ENOTDIR if it's not a directory and EACCES if
284 we don't have search permission. */
285 if (dtable_cells[fd] != NULL)
286 err = HURD_PORT_USE (dtable_cells[fd],
287 ({
288 child_lookup_under (port, ".", O_NOTRANS, 0, &new_ccwdir);
289 }));
290 else
291 err = child_lookup_under (dtable[fd], ".", O_NOTRANS, 0, &new_ccwdir);
293 if (!err)
294 {
295 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
296 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), ccwdir);
297 ccwdir = new_ccwdir;
298 }
300 return err;
301 }
304 /* Do this once. */
305 flags = attrp == NULL ? 0 : attrp->__flags;
307 /* Generate the new process. We create a task that does not inherit our
308 memory, and then register it as our child like fork does. See fork.c
309 for comments about the sequencing of these proc operations. */
311 err = __task_create (__mach_task_self (),
313 NULL, 0, /* OSF Mach */
315 0, &task);
316 if (err)
317 return __hurd_fail (err);
318 // From here down we must deallocate TASK and PROC before returning.
319 proc = MACH_PORT_NULL;
320 auth = MACH_PORT_NULL;
321 err = __USEPORT (PROC, __proc_task2pid (port, task, &new_pid));
322 if (!err)
323 err = __USEPORT (PROC, __proc_task2proc (port, task, &proc));
324 if (!err)
325 err = __USEPORT (PROC, __proc_child (port, task));
326 if (err)
327 goto out;
329 /* Load up the ints to give the new program. */
330 memset (ints, 0, sizeof ints);
331 ints[INIT_UMASK] = _hurd_umask;
332 ints[INIT_TRACEMASK] = _hurdsig_traced;
334 ss = _hurd_self_sigstate ();
337 assert (! __spin_lock_locked (&ss->critical_section_lock));
338 __spin_lock (&ss->critical_section_lock);
340 _hurd_sigstate_lock (ss);
341 ints[INIT_SIGMASK] = ss->blocked;
342 ints[INIT_SIGPENDING] = 0;
343 ints[INIT_SIGIGN] = 0;
344 /* Unless we were asked to reset all handlers to SIG_DFL,
345 pass down the set of signals that were set to SIG_IGN. */
346 {
347 struct sigaction *actions = _hurd_sigstate_actions (ss);
348 if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF) == 0)
349 for (i = 1; i < NSIG; ++i)
350 if (actions[i].sa_handler == SIG_IGN)
351 ints[INIT_SIGIGN] |= __sigmask (i);
352 }
354 /* We hold the critical section lock until the exec has failed so that no
355 signal can arrive between when we pack the blocked and ignored signals,
356 and when the exec actually happens. A signal handler could change what
357 signals are blocked and ignored. Either the change will be reflected
358 in the exec, or the signal will never be delivered. Setting the
359 critical section flag avoids anything we call trying to acquire the
360 sigstate lock. */
362 _hurd_sigstate_unlock (ss);
364 /* Set signal mask. */
365 if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK) != 0)
366 ints[INIT_SIGMASK] = attrp->__ss;
369 /* Set the scheduling algorithm and parameters. */
370# error implement me
373 {
374 if (__sched_setparam (0, &attrp->__sp) == -1)
375 _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);
376 }
377 else if ((flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER) != 0)
378 {
379 if (__sched_setscheduler (0, attrp->__policy,
381 ? &attrp->__sp : NULL) == -1)
382 _exit (SPAWN_ERROR);
383 }
386 if (!err && (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETSID) != 0)
387 err = __proc_setsid (proc);
389 /* Set the process group ID. */
390 if (!err && (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP) != 0)
391 err = __proc_setpgrp (proc, new_pid, attrp->__pgrp);
393 /* Set the effective user and group IDs. */
394 if (!err && (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS) != 0)
395 {
396 /* We need a different auth port for the child. */
398 __mutex_lock (&_hurd_id.lock);
399 err = _hurd_check_ids (); /* Get _hurd_id up to date. */
400 if (!err && _hurd_id.rid_auth == MACH_PORT_NULL)
401 {
402 /* Set up _hurd_id.rid_auth. This is a special auth server port
403 which uses the real uid and gid (the first aux uid and gid) as
404 the only effective uid and gid. */
406 if (_hurd_id.aux.nuids < 1 || _hurd_id.aux.ngids < 1)
407 /* We do not have a real UID and GID. Lose, lose, lose! */
408 err = EGRATUITOUS;
410 /* Create a new auth port using our real UID and GID (the first
411 auxiliary UID and GID) as the only effective IDs. */
412 if (!err)
413 err = __USEPORT (AUTH,
414 __auth_makeauth (port,
416 _hurd_id.aux.uids, 1,
417 _hurd_id.aux.uids,
418 _hurd_id.aux.nuids,
419 _hurd_id.aux.gids, 1,
420 _hurd_id.aux.gids,
421 _hurd_id.aux.ngids,
422 &_hurd_id.rid_auth));
423 }
424 if (!err)
425 {
426 /* Use the real-ID auth port in place of the normal one. */
427 assert (_hurd_id.rid_auth != MACH_PORT_NULL);
428 auth = _hurd_id.rid_auth;
429 __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (), auth,
431 }
432 __mutex_unlock (&_hurd_id.lock);
433 }
434 else
435 /* Copy our existing auth port. */
436 err = __USEPORT (AUTH, __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (),
437 (auth = port),
440 if (err)
441 {
442 _hurd_critical_section_unlock (ss);
444 if (err == EINTR)
445 {
446 /* Got a signal while inside an RPC of the critical section, retry again */
447 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), auth);
448 auth = MACH_PORT_NULL;
449 goto retry;
450 }
452 goto out;
453 }
455 /* Pack up the descriptor table to give the new program.
456 These descriptors will need to be reauthenticated below
457 if POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS is set. */
458 __mutex_lock (&_hurd_dtable_lock);
459 dtablesize = _hurd_dtablesize;
460 orig_dtablesize = _hurd_dtablesize;
461 dtable = __alloca (dtablesize * sizeof (dtable[0]));
462 ulink_dtable = __alloca (dtablesize * sizeof (ulink_dtable[0]));
463 dtable_cells = __alloca (dtablesize * sizeof (dtable_cells[0]));
464 dtable_cloexec = __alloca (orig_dtablesize);
465 for (i = 0; i < dtablesize; ++i)
466 {
467 struct hurd_fd *const d = _hurd_dtable[i];
468 if (d == NULL)
469 {
470 dtable[i] = MACH_PORT_NULL;
471 dtable_cells[i] = NULL;
472 continue;
473 }
474 /* Note that this might return MACH_PORT_NULL. */
475 dtable[i] = _hurd_port_get (&d->port, &ulink_dtable[i]);
476 dtable_cells[i] = &d->port;
477 dtable_cloexec[i] = (d->flags & FD_CLOEXEC) != 0;
478 }
479 __mutex_unlock (&_hurd_dtable_lock);
481 /* Safe to let signals happen now. */
482 _hurd_critical_section_unlock (ss);
484 /* Execute the file actions. */
485 if (file_actions != NULL)
486 for (i = 0; i < file_actions->__used; ++i)
487 {
488 /* Close a file descriptor in the child. */
489 error_t do_close (int fd)
490 {
491 if ((unsigned int)fd < dtablesize
492 && dtable[fd] != MACH_PORT_NULL)
493 {
494 if (dtable_cells[fd] == NULL)
495 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), dtable[fd]);
496 else
497 {
498 _hurd_port_free (dtable_cells[fd],
499 &ulink_dtable[fd], dtable[fd]);
500 }
501 dtable_cells[fd] = NULL;
502 dtable[fd] = MACH_PORT_NULL;
503 return 0;
504 }
505 return EBADF;
506 }
508 /* Close file descriptors in the child. */
509 error_t do_closefrom (int lowfd)
510 {
511 while ((unsigned int) lowfd < dtablesize)
512 {
513 error_t err = do_close (lowfd);
514 if (err != 0 && err != EBADF)
515 return err;
516 lowfd++;
517 }
518 return 0;
519 }
521 /* Make sure the dtable can hold NEWFD. */
522#define EXPAND_DTABLE(newfd) \
523 ({ \
524 if ((unsigned int)newfd >= dtablesize \
525 && newfd < _hurd_rlimits[RLIMIT_OFILE].rlim_cur) \
526 { \
527 /* We need to expand the dtable for the child. */ \
528 NEW_TABLE (dtable, newfd); \
529 NEW_ULINK_TABLE (ulink_dtable, newfd); \
530 NEW_TABLE (dtable_cells, newfd); \
531 dtablesize = newfd + 1; \
532 } \
533 ((unsigned int)newfd < dtablesize ? 0 : EMFILE); \
534 })
535#define NEW_TABLE(x, newfd) \
536 do { __typeof (x) new_##x = __alloca ((newfd + 1) * sizeof (x[0])); \
537 memcpy (new_##x, x, dtablesize * sizeof (x[0])); \
538 memset (&new_##x[dtablesize], 0, (newfd + 1 - dtablesize) * sizeof (x[0])); \
539 x = new_##x; } while (0)
540#define NEW_ULINK_TABLE(x, newfd) \
541 do { __typeof (x) new_##x = __alloca ((newfd + 1) * sizeof (x[0])); \
542 unsigned i; \
543 for (i = 0; i < dtablesize; i++) \
544 if (dtable_cells[i] != NULL) \
545 _hurd_port_move (dtable_cells[i], &new_##x[i], &x[i]); \
546 else \
547 memset (&new_##x[i], 0, sizeof (new_##x[i])); \
548 memset (&new_##x[dtablesize], 0, (newfd + 1 - dtablesize) * sizeof (x[0])); \
549 x = new_##x; } while (0)
551 struct __spawn_action *action = &file_actions->__actions[i];
553 switch (action->tag)
554 {
555 case spawn_do_close:
556 err = do_close (action->action.close_action.fd);
557 break;
559 case spawn_do_dup2:
560 if ((unsigned int)action->action.dup2_action.fd < dtablesize
561 && dtable[action->action.dup2_action.fd] != MACH_PORT_NULL)
562 {
563 const int fd = action->action.dup2_action.fd;
564 const int newfd = action->action.dup2_action.newfd;
565 // dup2 always clears any old FD_CLOEXEC flag on the new fd.
566 if (newfd < orig_dtablesize)
567 dtable_cloexec[newfd] = 0;
568 if (fd == newfd)
569 // Same is same as same was.
570 break;
571 err = EXPAND_DTABLE (newfd);
572 if (!err)
573 {
574 /* Close the old NEWFD and replace it with FD's
575 contents, which can be either an original
576 descriptor (DTABLE_CELLS[FD] != 0) or a new
577 right that we acquired in this function. */
578 do_close (newfd);
579 dtable_cells[newfd] = dtable_cells[fd];
580 if (dtable_cells[newfd] != NULL)
581 dtable[newfd] = _hurd_port_get (dtable_cells[newfd],
582 &ulink_dtable[newfd]);
583 else
584 {
585 dtable[newfd] = dtable[fd];
586 err = __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (),
587 dtable[fd],
589 }
590 }
591 }
592 else
593 // The old FD specified was bogus.
594 err = EBADF;
595 break;
597 case spawn_do_open:
598 /* Open a file on behalf of the child.
600 XXX note that this can subject the parent to arbitrary
601 delays waiting for the files to open. I don't know what the
602 spec says about this. If it's not permissible, then this
603 whole forkless implementation is probably untenable. */
604 {
605 const int fd = action->action.open_action.fd;
607 do_close (fd);
608 if (fd < orig_dtablesize)
609 dtable_cloexec[fd] = 0;
610 err = EXPAND_DTABLE (fd);
611 if (err)
612 break;
614 err = child_lookup (action->action.open_action.path,
615 action->action.open_action.oflag,
616 action->action.open_action.mode,
617 &dtable[fd]);
618 dtable_cells[fd] = NULL;
619 break;
620 }
622 case spawn_do_chdir:
623 err = child_chdir (action->action.chdir_action.path);
624 break;
626 case spawn_do_fchdir:
627 err = child_fchdir (action->action.fchdir_action.fd);
628 break;
630 case spawn_do_closefrom:
631 err = do_closefrom (action->action.closefrom_action.from);
632 break;
634 case spawn_do_tcsetpgrp:
635 {
636 pid_t pgrp;
637 /* Check if it is possible to avoid an extra syscall. */
638 if ((attrp->__flags & POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP)
639 != 0 && attrp->__pgrp != 0)
640 pgrp = attrp->__pgrp;
641 else
642 err = __proc_getpgrp (proc, new_pid, &pgrp);
643 if (!err)
644 err = __tcsetpgrp (action->action.setpgrp_action.fd, pgrp);
645 }
646 }
648 if (err)
649 goto out;
650 }
652 /* Only now can we perform FD_CLOEXEC. We had to leave the descriptors
653 unmolested for the file actions to use. Note that the DTABLE_CLOEXEC
654 array is never expanded by file actions, so it might now have fewer
655 than DTABLESIZE elements. */
656 for (i = 0; i < orig_dtablesize; ++i)
657 if (dtable[i] != MACH_PORT_NULL && dtable_cloexec[i])
658 {
659 assert (dtable_cells[i] != NULL);
660 _hurd_port_free (dtable_cells[i], &ulink_dtable[i], dtable[i]);
661 dtable[i] = MACH_PORT_NULL;
662 }
664 /* Prune trailing null ports from the descriptor table. */
665 while (dtablesize > 0 && dtable[dtablesize - 1] == MACH_PORT_NULL)
666 --dtablesize;
668 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
669 {
670 /* Reauthenticate all the child's ports with its new auth handle. */
672 mach_port_t ref;
673 process_t newproc;
675 /* Reauthenticate with the proc server. */
676 ref = __mach_reply_port ();
677 err = __proc_reauthenticate (proc, ref, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
678 if (!err)
679 err = __auth_user_authenticate (auth,
681 &newproc);
682 __mach_port_destroy (__mach_task_self (), ref);
683 if (!err)
684 {
685 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), proc);
686 proc = newproc;
687 }
689 if (!err)
690 err = reauthenticate (INIT_PORT_CRDIR, &rcrdir);
691 if (!err)
692 err = reauthenticate (INIT_PORT_CWDIR, &rcwdir);
694 /* We must reauthenticate all the fds except those that came from
695 `spawn_do_open' file actions, which were opened using the child's
696 auth port to begin with. */
697 for (i = 0; !err && i < dtablesize; ++i)
698 err = reauthenticate_fd (i);
699 }
700 if (err)
701 goto out;
703 /* Now we are ready to open the executable file using the child's ports.
704 We do this after performing all the file actions so the order of
705 events is the same as for a fork, exec sequence. This affects things
706 like the meaning of a /dev/fd file name, as well as which error
707 conditions are diagnosed first and what side effects (file creation,
708 etc) can be observed before what errors. */
710 if ((xflags & SPAWN_XFLAGS_USE_PATH) == 0 || strchr (file, '/') != NULL)
711 /* The FILE parameter is actually a path. */
712 err = child_lookup (relpath = file, O_EXEC, 0, &execfile);
713 else
714 {
715 /* We have to search for FILE on the path. */
716 path = getenv ("PATH");
717 if (path == NULL)
718 {
719 /* There is no `PATH' in the environment.
720 The default search path is the current directory
721 followed by the path `confstr' returns for `_CS_PATH'. */
722 len = __confstr (_CS_PATH, (char *) NULL, 0);
723 path = (char *) __alloca (1 + len);
724 path[0] = ':';
725 (void) __confstr (_CS_PATH, path + 1, len);
726 }
728 len = strlen (file) + 1;
729 pathlen = strlen (path);
730 name = __alloca (pathlen + len + 1);
731 /* Copy the file name at the top. */
732 name = (char *) memcpy (name + pathlen + 1, file, len);
733 /* And add the slash. */
734 *--name = '/';
736 p = path;
737 do
738 {
739 char *startp;
741 path = p;
742 p = __strchrnul (s: path, c: ':');
744 if (p == path)
745 /* Two adjacent colons, or a colon at the beginning or the end
746 of `PATH' means to search the current directory. */
747 startp = name + 1;
748 else
749 startp = (char *) memcpy (name - (p - path), path, p - path);
751 /* Try to open this file name. */
752 err = child_lookup (startp, O_EXEC, 0, &execfile);
753 switch (err)
754 {
755 case EACCES:
756 case ENOENT:
757 case ESTALE:
758 case ENOTDIR:
759 /* Those errors indicate the file is missing or not executable
760 by us, in which case we want to just try the next path
761 directory. */
762 continue;
764 case 0: /* Success! */
765 default:
766 /* Some other error means we found an executable file, but
767 something went wrong executing it; return the error to our
768 caller. */
769 break;
770 }
772 // We only get here when we are done looking for the file.
773 relpath = startp;
774 break;
775 }
776 while (*p++ != '\0');
777 }
778 if (err)
779 goto out;
781 if (relpath[0] == '/')
782 {
783 /* Already an absolute path */
784 abspath = relpath;
785 }
786 else
787 {
788 /* Relative path */
789 char *cwd = __getcwd (NULL, 0);
790 if (cwd == NULL)
791 goto out;
793 res = __asprintf (&concat_name, "%s/%s", cwd, relpath);
794 free (ptr: cwd);
795 if (res == -1)
796 goto out;
798 abspath = concat_name;
799 }
801 /* Almost there! */
802 {
803 mach_port_t ports[_hurd_nports];
804 struct hurd_userlink ulink_ports[_hurd_nports];
805 char *args = NULL, *env = NULL;
806 size_t argslen = 0, envlen = 0;
808 inline error_t exec (file_t file)
809 {
810 error_t err = __file_exec_paths
811 (file, task,
812 __sigismember (&_hurdsig_traced, SIGKILL) ? EXEC_SIGTRAP : 0,
813 relpath, abspath, args, argslen, env, envlen,
814 dtable, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, dtablesize,
815 ports, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, _hurd_nports,
816 ints, INIT_INT_MAX,
817 NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
819 /* Fallback for backwards compatibility. This can just be removed
820 when __file_exec goes away. */
821 if (err == MIG_BAD_ID)
822 return __file_exec (file, task,
823 (__sigismember (&_hurdsig_traced, SIGKILL)
824 ? EXEC_SIGTRAP : 0),
825 args, argslen, env, envlen,
826 dtable, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, dtablesize,
827 ports, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, _hurd_nports,
828 ints, INIT_INT_MAX,
829 NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
831 return err;
832 }
834 /* Now we are out of things that can fail before the file_exec RPC,
835 for which everything else must be prepared. The only thing left
836 to do is packing up the argument and environment strings,
837 and the array of init ports. */
839 if (argv != NULL)
840 err = __argz_create (argv: argv, argz: &args, len: &argslen);
841 if (!err && envp != NULL)
842 err = __argz_create (argv: envp, argz: &env, len: &envlen);
844 /* Load up the ports to give to the new program.
845 Note the loop/switch below must parallel exactly to release refs. */
846 for (i = 0; i < _hurd_nports; ++i)
847 {
848 switch (i)
849 {
850 case INIT_PORT_AUTH:
851 ports[i] = auth;
852 continue;
853 case INIT_PORT_PROC:
854 ports[i] = proc;
855 continue;
857 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
858 {
859 ports[i] = rcrdir;
860 continue;
861 }
862 break;
864 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
865 {
866 ports[i] = rcwdir;
867 continue;
868 }
869 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
870 {
871 ports[i] = ccwdir;
872 continue;
873 }
874 break;
875 }
876 ports[i] = _hurd_port_get (&_hurd_ports[i], &ulink_ports[i]);
877 }
879 /* Finally, try executing the file we opened. */
880 if (!err)
881 err = exec (execfile);
882 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), execfile);
884 if ((err == ENOEXEC) && (xflags & SPAWN_XFLAGS_TRY_SHELL) != 0)
885 {
886 /* The file is accessible but it is not an executable file.
887 Invoke the shell to interpret it as a script. */
888 err = 0;
889 if (!argslen)
890 err = __argz_insert (argz: &args, argz_len: &argslen, before: args, entry: relpath);
891 if (!err)
892 err = __argz_insert (argz: &args, argz_len: &argslen, before: args, _PATH_BSHELL);
893 if (!err)
894 err = child_lookup (_PATH_BSHELL, O_EXEC, 0, &execfile);
895 if (!err)
896 {
897 err = exec (execfile);
898 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), execfile);
899 }
900 }
902 /* Release the references just packed up in PORTS.
903 This switch must always parallel the one above that fills PORTS. */
904 for (i = 0; i < _hurd_nports; ++i)
905 {
906 switch (i)
907 {
908 case INIT_PORT_AUTH:
909 case INIT_PORT_PROC:
910 continue;
912 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
913 continue;
914 break;
916 if (flags & POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS)
917 continue;
918 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
919 continue;
920 break;
921 }
922 _hurd_port_free (&_hurd_ports[i], &ulink_ports[i], ports[i]);
923 }
925 free (ptr: args);
926 free (ptr: env);
927 }
929 /* We did it! We have a child! */
930 if (pid != NULL)
931 *pid = new_pid;
933 out:
934 /* Clean up all the references we are now holding. */
936 if (task != MACH_PORT_NULL)
937 {
938 if (err)
939 /* We failed after creating the task, so kill it. */
940 __task_terminate (task);
941 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), task);
942 }
943 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), auth);
944 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), proc);
945 if (ccwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
946 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), ccwdir);
947 if (rcrdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
948 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), rcrdir);
949 if (rcwdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
950 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), rcwdir);
952 if (ulink_dtable)
953 /* Release references to the file descriptor ports. */
954 for (i = 0; i < dtablesize; ++i)
955 if (dtable[i] != MACH_PORT_NULL)
956 {
957 if (dtable_cells[i] == NULL)
958 __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), dtable[i]);
959 else
960 _hurd_port_free (dtable_cells[i], &ulink_dtable[i], dtable[i]);
961 }
963 free (ptr: concat_name);
965 if (err)
966 /* This hack canonicalizes the error code that we return. */
967 err = (__hurd_fail (err), errno);
969 return err;

source code of glibc/sysdeps/mach/hurd/spawni.c